William Arvola

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William Arvola


Post by 5829 »

I do not know how many of you, or if any one, remembers William Arvola, aka Bill, aka Arv. He was a Playboy fan in general who used to attend shows and a big Lisa Marie Scott fan.

Was on Ebay and found this listing
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Playboy-Playmat ... 2177854470
which said These all came from the estate of an avid Playboy fan ...

So I went to the PML and found this post with more details
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/pml ... ages/80477
and this site

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Re: William Arvola


Post by AYHJA »

I don't remember or know the guy, but damn he had great taste...I assume his "estate" means that he's no longer with us, so RiP fellow fan if that's the case...

One thing is for CERTAIN...We absolutely could not have picked a better girl to form an attachment over...Just seeing this picture was amazing!

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