Walmart vs. RIAA

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Post by adp10 »

Yeah, I can understand how the big businesses leave mom and pop shops to dwindle away...
however, they do create jobs and give some sort of job security (not always though), etc....

in this case I love what Wal-Mart is proposing!
God knows the record companies make way too much on cd's and stuff!

*P.S. I'm a bit ignorant re this'd ya get to putting the webpage in your post?

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Post by AYHJA »

This is a great topic...

Haha almost as beautiful as the topic, is the way that the post didn't stretch out my monitor..! Wow...

At any rate, I'm not sure what kind of position that this makes me want to take, as that article mentioned pretty much that Wal-Mart has the stock market on it's back...

I think that it could have negative reprocussions on the economy, and or users...There are so many groups affected..! You make the RIAA do this, and they in turn may start to really hammer down on music downloading, and or force artists to start putting out more bullshit albums...Most artists as it is, already don't get enough money from their CD sales...

And on the other hand, the small guy is the champion of other small guys...As a small business owner, I can tell you that their is enough food in any retail market for everyone to eat...You may have to hustle harder, but, it's there...

And, like any corporate giant, somebody is bound to get too hungry, and collapse the company...Either that, or some small community is going to start giving Wal-Mart all kinds of hell...But, what happens when Wal-Mart starts expanding even more, and more...They're already selling fuckin' everything under the sun...Soon, there'll be Wal-Mart vehicles, Wal-Mart this, and Wal-Mart that...Wal-Mart, would even try to slap a logo on this website, if you let them...

I think this situation is very, very bittersweet...


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Post by x3n »

doesn't affect me as a consumer, as long as Wal-Mart sticks with their usual selection of "Whitesnakes Greatest Hits" and "Dance Party, Vol. PI"
The small record stores still carry the tightest shit.

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