Aemeth wrote:Ok not bad...A few clarifications:
So Christianity blew up because of clever marketing schemes such as the verse we all know and love, John 3:16? Surely this can't be complete shit though, as it had to be based somewhat on what Jeshua taught, right? If so, what are those principles?
Good to hear from you, btw! but now...
You don't know most of the New Testament is about writing to where Christianity's numbers are down for the month to motivate the local recruiting effort, or trying to grow their market... It literally says it. most of it is LETTERS, not journal entries. Letters to people who need persuading...
As far as what Jeshua taught - the Nazarenes and the Ebionites have it far more accurately. He adhered to the Torah, he expounded on the Torah, and he Questioned the Torah where there was need to question it. He challenged those parts of the Torah that are clearly not original to the text, and he was an incredibly learned trust-fund baby, who became a political revolutionary and experienced the total Messhiach when he realized his path would not lead to overtaking the throne of the corrupt king of Judea, but would lead to his own persecution, which would be paramount to realizing his teachings. His annointing with the Divine Providence of his royal Bloodline which first enjoyed the covenant is something all should strive for. He himself never asked for belief nor promoted that his mom was a virgin, or that his dad was El; or what he was doing was singularly his opportunity. I find those same claims unessential to my application of his teachings.
Can you elaborate on this a little more? The sentence structure on the El is the being which....sentence is trippin me out and I don't think I am understanding it correctly...
OK, G-D is a hebrew word for "fate, destiny, justice." Depending on the diacritics applied to the G and the D. The hyphen is a "ah", "eh", or "oh" sound depending on those marks. God really should be "Gahd", "Gehd", or "Gohd". As with most Hebrew, all the pronunciations can be used interchangeably, but have subtle difference and general usuage rules.
G-D is "what happens", El is the Being that makes what happen to occur. that is later described by the formula YHVA. It is forbidden to pronounce this unless you are in the Holy of Holies, and only at certain times, to remain in the covenant established with the El of Yishrael. Instead, El in the formulation of YHVH, which is the natual balance of things, is called ADNI, or Adonai (Ah-Doh-Nah-Yay-Ee) which is the hebrew word for "Lord." El is the God of Abraham and who called him Shaddai El Chai, of the "Almighty Living God." in that natural balance "Yah" is the Terrestrial Deity, and Voh is his Creation. This is the formula for the impregnation of woman and the mainfestation, in term, of the child and its emergence from the womb. This is a material metaphor for the spiritual truth of the Ratzon El, The Will of El, which is Called God in Hebrew.
This is why the Qabalist Rabbi says "I am Man, in whom is God." Because in Man, resides the core component of the Will of El, in his YHVH." If you do not know the true meaning of the word G-d, you will think the Rabbi is saying his is "god", when if you insist on English only - you should hear it as "I am man, in whom is the will of god."
When you refer to El as "God", is but a part of the equation of El, you reveal the flaws that are fundamental to the Western Misunderstanding of the West. Ironically this same misunderstanding that is promoted in prayer and study is indicicative of almost every flaw in the American system.
God is defined in the Mind of Man in three parts: Being, Doing, and Knowing. These are the Shin, Mem, and Aleph (Sh, M, and A) of Shema, "The name" - which is Name of El sacred to the Covenant of the Tribes; and known by VERY few. You earn it by birth, and no other way. When no more know it, it will be dissolved. But should any ever learn it, they could sap power from it, and form a covenant of their own. Thus it is kept sacred, and secret. For the record, I have not been told it, but I have suspicions... and this "Mastery of the Names" (of El) is the core idea behind the "Magic" of Christianity that was removed and in some places by the Gentile Christians.
That is why many of us question if "modern christianity's flawed understanding" is leading humanity into a Land of Confusion. It's not their fault, it's just that believe it or not, there is more than the Devil in the details... Modern christianity has disarmed itself of its own meaning, and has turned the way of the Masons, who pass solemn rhetoric of the Ancient Craft in hallowed halls, but fail to be able to chisel much of the original meaning out of it, and thus its power lies untapped.
If your desire to understand Christianity runs so deep, you must learn some Hebrew and some Greek. The Aramaic you need is pretty much a breeze at that time..