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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:57 pm
by trashtalkr
(btw that was deeje again)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:09 pm
Well, T‚², I say this with no offense meant, but with all seriousness...

Step away from that bible young man, step away...

Unlearning what you have learned is NOT easy...But it is almost necessary...If you take what you learn with a chaser, then you'll come to your own conclusion...And while you may share it with others, it will be unique in that it is yours...

The bible as you know it, is parts and pieces of at least 4 different works, you'll have to ask RAUM to go in depth with you on that...You may believe what you believe because that is what you were taught, or you may believe what you believe because you feel that it is right...

But there is ALWAYS more...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:18 am
by trashtalkr
QUOTEUnlearning what you have learned is NOT easy...

I know that....and that's what I'm trying to do, but some of the core things I believe require faith (as do yours). You can't try to relearn everything or you'll believe everything which isn't good either. You've gotta have a good balance.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:56 pm
by Aemeth
Yea, you cannot go from one extreme to the other (usually), but it is crucial that you do consider if you believe something cuz you were taught it or cuz you have observed and understand why it is right..

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:41 am
by raum
Many things worshipped as God are not God. Many things not worshipped are God. There is no man who will lie if he say "Here is God." There is no man who can show another where god dwells. The only thing any religion of school of thought on the matter can do but train a person to raise the voice of man to praise god, in hopes that God may hear those cries, and there is no man who can control how that god will appear, or censor what it might say.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:44 am
by trashtalkr
Raum, are you a New Ager?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:12 pm
by Deepak
i havnt actually posted anything since starting this thread so im gonna go like this ........ 1st i ll say i belive that there are many religions on earth ....

To me god knew that makin everyone belive in the saem thing wud make everything boring .......... so he let nature take its course and allowed fo ppl to create (and i use this term lightly) their own god . Of course if u look at all religions u will find many things vary .......... manily due to the physical conditions where the reilgions began ......... but of course if we try to bring all the reiligions together and try to combine everything into one religion we may find that almost everything wud be the same ......... so take all the things that are the same nd leave out the things that are dofferent we hav one relgion that wud be the truth ..............

Of course by creating many differernt cultures god created diversity makin this planet earth a much more fun and interesting place to live in...... there is no one reilgion which is real ........ all of them are and that is why the world is such an interesting place to live in ............ imagine wat it wud be like if every one followed christanity .....or islam ........or even hinduism .......... woudnt that make fo a boring world ............ and as ayhja sed in one of the threads "we are all part of a world that needs to have a certain amout and a certain type of chaos about it to ensure its survival", the diversity of cultures provides this as well ...........

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:50 pm
by x3n
I wouldn't go as far as to use "fun" and "religion" in such close proximity. Considering man's penchant for using their god of choice as an all-too-effective tool for war, ethnic cleansing, guilt, fear, subjugation, etc...
Most humans can't see past skin tone and language differences...I doubt we're ready to accept an omnipresent essence.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:33 am
by raum
um, did someone really just ask me if I am a new ager?

CDR is in order, people.

No, I am not a new ager. I am a lover of the divine and the antique. I am prolly the only person you have ever met who even knows what the term "New Age" means in the ancient context. The term "New Age" was a reference to Jews who followed and included Saul of Damascus and Peter, the Patriarch of Christian Catholicism, called Paul who said the influence of the messiah would redeem the Gentiles, as well as the Jews.

So, any non-Jew that is a Christian, or even believes in the Bible,.. is a New Ager. Until the observation of the "Procession of the Equinoxes," that is, but let's leave that to the Romans, shall we?

Me, I am a student of ancient ways, and have been in practice for my over 15 of my 30 years; and in study for over 18 of them. Those ways include but are not limited to "Biblical Truths."

My philosophy is one of Logos; but with enough distinct characteristic changes as to be well thought out.

I am not of a religion; though I am reverent of all I have enountered first hand. I brush shoulders with New Agers, occasionally, but I find myself more among Theological Students, Philosophers, Poets,.. as New Agers rarely understand the implications or context of their thought exercises.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:52 am
by Aemeth
Actually raum is making it all up.

See watch I can do it too..

*Why there are so many religions*

To hunt down the cause of all different religions that inhabit the world, you must go back to the time of the ancient Egyptians. This culture channeled their "kasha" (spiritual energy), in an effort to achieve the "Aeyeshana" (Ah-ee-yesh-ah-na) (Divine Truth).

However, due to uneasiness in the "Jocalleo" (World of Doom, known today as the Realm of Hades, or Hell), caused by the creation in Guph of DeEje's pimpin' soul, Lucifer meditated confusion into the minds of some of these, and they were deceived, and led astray from the "Twinkizzle" (One True Path). The aftermath of this is what has led to the many different religions in the world today.

diagonal, with a slight bend due to refraction,

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(btw, no disrespect intended)