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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:11 am
I'm trying to give guys space to get in here, so I'll (try to) keep it a bit brief before I come back...But quick and to the point:
Highlander65 wrote:Why? Why now More than ever?
In a nutshell, social media for starters. I am 37 years old, at no point in my life do I ever remember hearing about person reading their twitter feed and deciding that the world was much too cold a place to go on and decide to kill themselves. May have happened anyway. But maybe it could have been avoided.
Highlander65 wrote:Would the term "White Pride" be acceptable?
Not really, because as a whole, white people have not been oppressed. There are CERTAINLY groups of whites that have had it bad, but for the large part, not oppressed...When you spend 400+ years beating down a race, or murdering and transplanting natives, these things become engrained. In other words, if you treat my Grandfather like shit. And my mother like shit, it is only right to assume that I'm not shit either. Does that make sense? It's hard to explain, but I'm reading a book right now on the psychosis of minorities. Another topic sure, but trust me, those scars run very deep, and I'm not just talking about intellectually. I mean genetically, shit is fucked up!

I'm not a sticker for semantics, but minorities can't be racist. Just prejudiced. Goes back to the root of oppression.

Where I agree with you are I don't like things like "BET" television. That's ignorant beyond measure. That's a better example of what you mean than Black Pride. A black person could very well have to learn to have some pride. We don't need an ignorant fucking channel dedicated to every shitty stereotype I can think of.
Highlander65 wrote:Could you see this guy giving a beating to anyone?
That's exactly what I mean. It's the seed. Media hype runs rampant no doubt! I agree with you there to. But words are the fruit of thought and not necessarily thinking.

Do you remember the first time a little black boy, maybe 6 or 7, and his father were shopping in the same aisle as you in the grocery store and the boy said to his father, "Daddy, aren't they supposed to move out of our way?" I remember when a little white boy said that in my direction, and when I looked at his father with such a look of anger and distaste that I wish they had insisted on trying to make me move. Instant rage. In an instant, I would have probably beat the shit out of that guy and spent way too much time in jail for it. Talk about freedom being chipped away. Anywho!

He turned bright red, grabbed his kid, and hustled out the store. Man, how many N-bombs do you think that guy had dropped around his kid? Bro, more often than not, that kid grows up and becomes this guy.
Highlander65 wrote:However, this discussion isn't actually about racism it's about our freedoms being slowly chipped away.
Historically, we're working from different angles/directions on this. My race is still working towards the freedoms you speak of. Off topic but sort of related, see Mark Jackson/Steve Kerr.