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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:28 pm
by raum

this was done in New Zealand,.. and was inspired by them planting in space envornments, and wondering "where's this methane coming from?" The Petro-Chem people are not even aware of it yet. There is no strong push to promote it, as it MAY in fact have the opposite effect you think, and push regulation harder, because now we have to accomodate the fact that certain methane is naturally present.


my subject line to this thread is a reference to South park, not an opinion shared by VU and its affiliates.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:59 pm
by x3n
IF the study in fact, reveals that plant life is simply responding to unnatural environmental change, sure. I'm inclined to think that if these results reach a wider audience, the message will probably be "see?, I told you let me get back to work".

I got the reference, homez. I do, however, think they can, would and should eat a dick once in a while. Regardless of how the affiliates feel.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:04 pm
by raum
well, i do bare some resentment for what they did to california.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:51 am
by Pete
There was actually an event that happened a few million years ago. I am sorry that I do not have the proper date information, it could have been in the Miocene epoch or sometimes in the Tertiary, but there was what my lecturer called "The Big Fart"- where a huge amount of methane was released by plants and animals and recorded in the rock record.

Greenies say that carbon dioxide levels have been rising too high. Yes, they have been rising, but from a low. Go back in time and you will see that CO2 was actually quite high.

Yes, our emissions are bad and they should be reduced. But they are not causing the problem, just adding to it. Gas levels in the atmosphere would be rising regardless of the history of humans on planet Earth. It is just that we are "speeding it up" a bit.