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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:21 am
by shaunagrant1963
1. What time is it? 12:17 EST
2. Name: Lena
4. Nickname: Happy
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 43, 22 for good luck /unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
6. Pets: 1, My cat Mike
7. Hair color: Blonde
8. Piercing: 2
9. Eye color: Blue
10. How much do you love your job: Other people hate my job /ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />
11. Hometown: New York area
12. Current Residence: New York area
13. Favorite foods: Stuffed Mushrooms
14. Been to Africa? No
15. Been toilet papering? Not since my 16th Halloween!
16. Loved someone so much it made you cry? No
17. Been in a car accident? Yes...
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
19. Favorite day of the week: Monday
20. Favorite word or phrase: "I spy with my little eye..."
21. Favorite Restaurant: One without a TV
22. Favorite flower: Snapdragon
23. Favorite sport to play: Cat fishing
24. Favorite drink: Used to like Long Island Tea (too much)
25. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla
26. Disney or Warner Brothers: Warner Brothers
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: *urp*
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: Red
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test: 1
30. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? Someone on Ebay!
31. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: Which store haven't I ! /unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />
32. What do you do most often when you are bored: Sleep
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: "Do you have anymore?"
34. Bedtime: Late
35. Who I expect to respond to this the quickest? Nobody in particular...
37. Favorite TV show: I haven't watched TV since the '90's
38. Last person you went out to dinner with: My best friend
39. Ford or Chevy: Ford
41. Name the one place you would go if money nor travel didn't matter: Russia, I have a friend there
42. Do you have any tattoos, if so where? No
43. Do you have someone whom you secretly admire, but would never tell? No, I tell all!
44. Do you like to cook? Yes
45. Favorite season: Used to be fall, but middle age has turned it into spring, especially may.
46. Favorite tree: Any very old one
47. Favorite music: Old Jazz, especially Lee Wiley
48. Fantasy: To be a singer
49. WHAT'S YOUR Favorite color: Orange
50. Shower or bath? Shower
51. Time you finished this quiz? The Swami says, 12:34 EST
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:32 pm
Welcome to AF, Lena, thanks for doing our little survey... /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:29 am
by shaunagrant1963
Thank you for inviting me /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:38 pm
by Skinny Bastard
I miss working in NY...
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:03 am
by oldgoalie
1. What time is it? 10:00 EST
2. Name: Des
4. Nickname: Demondo
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 48
6. Pets: A walkerhound/beagle cross, asst. fish.
7. Hair color: Brown
8. Piercing: None
9. Eye color: blue
10. How much do you love your job: I used to Love it, I replicate cd's and DVD's, but not so much anymore. I think I need a vacation.
12. Current Residence:Renfrew, Ont. Canada
13. Favorite foods:Just about anything, trying to change that.
14. Been to Africa? no
15. Been toilet papering? define toilet papering.
16. Loved someone so much it made you cry? A long time ago.
17. Been in a car accident? Minor fender benders to this point. I guess thats a yes.
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Bits
19. Favorite day of the week: Thursday
20. Favorite word or phrase: None in particular.
21. Favorite Restaurant: Moxies
22. Favorite flower: clematis
23. Favorite sport to play: Golf, hockey is a close second.
24. Favorite drink: Scotch rocks
25. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla
26. Disney or Warner Brothers: Warner Brothers
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: Harvey's
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: Hardwood
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test: 1.
30. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? Kate
31. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: Golf Town
32. What do you do most often when you are bored: Internet
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: It's not to busy... can I go home early?
34. Bedtime: When I'm tired. I work shifts, so I do get tired sometimes.
35. Who I expect to respond to this the quickest? dunno
37. Favorite TV show: Enterprise.
38. Last person you went out to dinner with: My wife.
39. Ford or Chevy: Chevy
41. Name the one place you would go if money nor travel didn't matter: Indian Ocean
42. Do you have any tattoos, if so where? none.
43. Do you have someone whom you secretly admire, but would never tell? No
44. Do you like to cook? I used to, in spurts now.
45. Favorite season: Winter
46. Favorite tree: Maple
47. Favorite music: Rock 'n Roll
48. Fantasy: Salma.......... droool.
49. WHAT'S YOUR Favorite color: blue
50. Shower or bath? Shower
51. Time you finished this quiz? 10:17
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:37 pm
by radioforme
1. What time is it? time for my nap...3:45 p.m. est
2. Name: radioguy
4. Nickname: bert
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: too many
6. Pets: 1, a cat named jake
7. Hair color: shaved
8. Piercing: None
9. Eye color: Brown
10. How much do you love your job: very much...hours suck, but i still get plenty of juice out of it
11. Hometown: pittsburgh, pa
12. Current Residence: harrisburg, pa
13. Favorite foods: steak salad
14. Been to Africa? nope
15. Been toilet papering? not in the last 10 minues
16. Loved someone so much it made you cry? only when i realized i wasted my time with her.
17. Been in a car accident? Yes.
18. Croutons or bacon bits? can't i have some fries instead
19. Favorite day of the week: friday
20. Favorite word or phrase: you wanna go, pretty boy?
21. Favorite Restaurant: my neighborhood bar
22. Favorite flower: whichever ones make my girlfriend happy
23. Favorite sport to play: ice hocky
24. Favorite drink: cold beer
25. Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
26. Disney or Warner Brothers: wb
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: wendy's
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: beige
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test: the big 0.
30. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? some spammer
31. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: best buy
32. What do you do most often when you are bored: read or nap
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: do you like waking up at 4:00 a.m.
34. Bedtime: not enough of it
35. Who I expect to respond to this the quickest? someone who's not working right now
37. Favorite TV show: the shield/deadwood
38. Last person you went out to dinner with: my chickie
39. Ford or Chevy: chevy
41. Name the one place you would go if money nor travel didn't matter: normandy
42. Do you have any tattoos, if so where? nah
43. Do you have someone whom you secretly admire, but would never tell? no
44. Do you like to cook? a man has to eat
45. Favorite season: Winter
46. Favorite tree:
47. Favorite music: alternative
48. Fantasy: heh-heh
49. WHAT'S YOUR Favorite color: blue
50. Shower or bath? Shower
51. Time you finished this quiz? the clock says seven minutes.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:27 am
by Adtz
Just Copy and Paste, Change the person's answers above you, with your own...
1. What time is it? 10:14 p.m. CST
2. Name: Adtz
4. Nickname: Shade
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: Birthday - I don't need no stinkin birthday
6. Pets: I'm part of the staff for 5 cats
7. Hair color: Brown and Gray (and gone...)
8. Piercing: None
9. Eye color: Dark Brown
10. How much do you love your job: Some days I like it and some days...
11. Hometown: Oswego, IL
12. Current Residence: Houston, TX
13. Favorite foods: Tex-Mex, BBQ, anything with Fat
14. Been to Africa? Nope
15. Been toilet papering? Nope
16. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes, for 25 years...
17. Been in a car accident? Yes...
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Meat any day...
19. Favorite day of the week: Sunday
20. Favorite word or phrase: Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.
21. Favorite Restaurant: So little time. Rudy's in Austin - best BBQ ever
22. Favorite flower: Lavender for no reason at all
23. Favorite sport to play: Is chess a sport?
24. Favorite drink: Whiskey, neat
25. Favorite ice cream: Chocolate
26. Disney or Warner Brothers: Warner Brothers...absolutely
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco bell - cheap and filliing
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: Dark blue
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test: 0
30. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? Randy
31. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: Barnes and Noble
32. What do you do most often when you are bored: Remember
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: Nobody asks me much of anything...
34. Bedtime: 9-5
35. Who I expect to respond to this the quickest? Nobody in particular...
37. Favorite TV show: Currently - Dead Like Me
38. Last person you went out to dinner with: Heather
39. Ford or Chevy: Ford
41. Name the one place you would go if money nor travel didn't matter: Australia and New Zealand
42. Do you have any tattoos, if so where? Nope
43. Do you have someone whom you secretly admire, but would never tell? Nope
44. Do you like to cook? No!!! Rather clean than cook...
45. Favorite season: Spring
46. Favorite tree: Silver Birch
47. Favorite music: Don't like music -- or rather 99% of all music is crap and the good stuff is the good stuff regardless of the genre.
48. Fantasy: To be superman
49. WHAT'S YOUR Favorite color: Black
50. Shower or bath? Depends on who I'm with...
51. Time you finished this quiz? The Swami says, "10:25 p.m. CST"
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:31 am
by DoomHamster
1. What time is it? 10:55 a.m. CET
2. Name: DoomHamster*3001
4. Nickname: DoomHamster, Hamster, |-|@|\/|z7@|-|
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 2
6. Pets: A dog who likes Death Metal, and a cat who likes... ummm, tuna
7. Hair color: Dark Brown
8. Piercing: None
9. Eye color: Dark Brown
10. How much do you love your job: mesa college student
11. Hometown: Varazdin, Croatia; also known as Twin Peaks
12. Current Residence: Twin Peaks =]
13. Favorite foods: Lasagna, Cheese
14. Been to Africa? No
15. Been toilet papering? I refuse to answer this question.
16. Loved someone so much it made you cry? No, but cried so much it made me love someone
17. Been in a car accident? Yes...
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Depends
19. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
20. Favorite word or phrase: I don't speak.
21. Favorite Restaurant: none
22. Favorite flower: Roses
23. Favorite sport to play: Fencing
24. Favorite drink: BEER (what kind of question is that??)
25. Favorite ice cream: Sour Cherry
26. Disney or Warner Brothers: Hanna-Barbera
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: Billy Kebab (does this count?)
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: an undefined color
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test: Never. Didn't take one yet.
30. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? melkior (I believe that's his nick here)
31. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: none
32. What do you do most often when you are bored: I'm never bored.
33. Most annoying thing people ask me: I'm annoyed more by answers to my questions than by the questions I am asked.
34. Bedtime: I play OGame. 'nuff said.
35. Who I expect to respond to this the quickest? The Person who clicks "Reply to Topic" next =]
37. Favorite TV show: 'Allo 'Allo
38. Last person you went out to dinner with: My parents.
39. Ford or Chevy: Chevy
41. Name the one place you would go if money nor travel didn't matter: Edinburgh
42. Do you have any tattoos, if so where? none
43. Do you have someone whom you secretly admire, but would never tell? no
44. Do you like to cook? yes
45. Favorite season: Summer
46. Favorite tree: just about any kind of a big tree
47. Favorite music: Progressive
48. Fantasy: To stay myself forever
49. WHAT'S YOUR Favorite color: Black
50. Shower or bath? Shower
51. Time you finished this quiz? The Swami says, "11:07 a.m. CET"
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:49 am
by DoomHamster
Sorry for the double post... had problems with my connection :/
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:12 pm
That's OK, those were some good answ3rs..! Welcome to AF..!