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Re: Thor

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:53 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
I tried not to touch on anything that hasn't been touched upon in the trailers. Yup, Thor without Blake, at least initially anyway is like Supes without Clark. I think they were leaning towards Ultimate Thor who happens to wear similar garb to the original version. Also I'd chalk it up to Quesada & Bendis being on the advisory board for the story. I think the reason these Marvel films lean more towards the Ultimate U is so that Fat Joey & Schmendrik can brag "We created that universe" & be kept involved in future films.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:24 am
by darklighter1
WOuldn't doubt it...GO on Aint it cool News and read the Harry review it's pretty ridiculous. Plus there's a story quoting Feige about the future Marvel movies maybe including Hawkeye and Black Widow in their own features. Exciting right? Nothing I wanna see more than a movie about a guy that can shoot arrows really good. Anyway some of the comments at the bottom were prety funny TEARING into Feige and what an absolute nitwit he is. Couple sounded like you wrote em!

Anyway check out the originality of this Thor spot:

You saw the Vader one right? This is a trainwreck that has Fat Joey and Bendis written all over it.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:29 am
by darklighter1
Holy shit!! I just went back to write how stupid the video is and I've personally been blocked by MArvel from making comments on their videos! HAHAAHHAAHA!!! I guess all the anti Bendis comments are gettin to them.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:04 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Apparently only their opinions & those of their dicksuckers count. They need to be able to show positive things only to their overlords at Disney otherwise they're outta there. Remember a couple of months ago all that drama Dan Slott got into for telling some poor guy to go fuck himself over at CBR? Well, that is the reason Slott was left off the "Architects Of Marvel" promos they have been running , so they slid Jason Aaron in that Top 5 at the last minute. Disney was unimpressed that the guy writing their flagship character (Spidey) went around abusing fans & it making news all over the interwebs.

I'll go check out that review by Knowles now.

Edit: Just read it. At least Harry admits at the start it wasn't the LOTR/Conan style film it could have been... then the review devolves into a Phantom Menace/Revenge Of The Sith asslicking fest. Remember all those motherfuckers who gushed over Lucas' Episode I when they first saw it just cos there hadn't been a Star Wars movie for 16 years.. then months later they disavowed it & ate their words? Ditto for Lucas redeeming the prequels with Sith. We'll see how Mr Knowles & others feel in 6 months or whenever the dvd is released. Thor is more or less the equivalent to Daredevil (Incredible Hulk at best) for the 2010s.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:41 pm
by darklighter1
WOW that bad huh? Yah know I was looking around to see if after the Hobgoblin was wiped out in like three pages if I was hallucinating or something when I went to CBR and someone was kinda talking about how you're not allowed over there to write anything negative cause Slott goes on there and tears into people who disagree with him. That must've been the story you were talking about.

Did you see the Feige thing? And Hawkeye (who I do like but only as a background character) being in a movie by himself?

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:05 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Yeah I read the Feige thing. He's such a corporate tool who has Mephisto (Quesada) whispering in his ear. I honestly do not see a solo Hawkeye movie working as he does fit better within a team ensemble. If a Black Widow movie was made, the only reason it would get big bucks was due to Scarlet being in it. If a Luke Cage one is greenlit, it'll be Bendis' influence. I wonder if they will have the spells written out on the screen in weird font if a Doctor Strange flick is made?

Re: Thor

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:45 pm
by darklighter1
HAHA probably. Bendis would make it written into the contract with whoever directs the movie. Strange is the only character I personally would like to see made into a movie. When they start talking more team oriented guys like Cage and Black Widow I cringe cause I think that will kill the whole genre down for a couple years until a X-Men or Batman is rebooted again. I even read somewhere that they were talking a Black Cat movie! The Black Cat???? I mean unless it's a porno I really think we'd be doomed on that one.

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:06 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Was relieved to read today that Loki will be the Big Bad in Avengers & not lousy Skrulls as previously speculated upon.

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:46 pm
by darklighter1
Oh that's good except for him using the Cube. Did you stay and watch the extra ending on Thor? I don't know why I'm asking cause I'm sure ya did but...

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:52 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Yeah I did see the stinger scene at the end (god those were the longest credits to sit through ever) . The Cube & Gauntlet were featured in the movie proper though as items in Odin's possession. I'd rather the Cosmic Cube than Skrulls any day.