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Sir Jig-A-Lot
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Re: Thor


Post by Sir Jig-A-Lot »

Über wrote:My biggest question is...WTF did they feel the need to make Loki a Frost Giant..?!?!
He is of the giant race & Laufey's actual son. They got that bit right. Except Odin adopted him after he slew Laufey in battle :p
And what the heck was the end teaser about..? I can't believe I sat through the credits for that shit..!
The scientist was possesed/mind-controlled by Loki. That's the Cosmic Cube. A deus ex machina of power & wish fulfilment. that scene was most likely a set up for the Cap movie, not the Avengers.

Don't even get me started on the sidekicks, yeah, that might be beef #2...They kinda stunk, but again, I'm coming from the myths only, I don't know if they were comic faithful or not...
The Warriors Three were underwritten. Blame it on the Script. Sif is Thor's woman in the comics. But because the ditched him having been trapped inside a mortal on earth, the idiots decided to mash up Thor with Don Blake's woman Jane Foster.
My biggest beef...Is, that for whatever reason, Mjöllnir just looked...Fake or something... :(
Agreed. It didn't look like it had a weight to it.

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Re: Thor


Post by jdog »

Just watched the movie today. It was actually pretty good. A bit off from the comics but not butchered like they do so many Marvel movies.
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Re: Thor


Post by darklighter1 »

Well like I think I said before if you followed Thor for years and then watched this I just can't see any way you don't look at this movie as an unmitigated failure. But if you're just kinda vaguely familiar with the Thor story or even beter not at all and just going for a no brainer action movie then you'll dig it. The actors I thought actually did a pretty good job for what they were handed but the story and mythology were rotten to the core.

I can't believe JMS and Walt Simonson did cameos in this but I guess as long as they weren't attached as writers they figured no harm no foul. Definitely made sense to see Bendis was of course a chief advisor on this though.

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Re: Thor


Post by jdog »

Well, I did say it was a bit off. To my knowledge it was just someone that stumbled upon the hammer and became Thor so for it to be Thor who was banished to Earth? I don't know. Blame Marvel for becoming too Hollywood-like.
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Sir Jig-A-Lot
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Re: Thor


Post by Sir Jig-A-Lot »

And the madness continues..

[center]THOR 2 Slated for Summer 2013 Without Kenneth Branagh
Deadline New York reports that Marvel Studios is locking down a date with Disney for a summer 2013 release for Thor 2. Given that Iron Man 3 is scheduled for May 3rd of that year, we can probably expect the Thor sequel to touch down around midsummer. Chris Hemsworth is set to return for the lead role, but helmer (heh) Kenneth Branagh is not attached to direct. He is parting ways with the franchise, though he's doing so without word of friction with the studio as was the case with Iron Man director Jon Favreau. In fact, the departure is said to be amicable. [/center]

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Re: Thor


Post by darklighter1 »

Have ya noticed that everytime a director leaves Marvel it's always "amicable"? They were never shitcanned or quit it was always cause both sides love each other but want to see other people. Gotta tell though I hated Thor so much I really coun't care less that KB isn't coming back. But I am thrilled it's being rushed into production for '13. That's always the sign of a quality movie. :roll:

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Sir Jig-A-Lot
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Re: Thor


Post by Sir Jig-A-Lot »

Yup yup. I knew you'd notice overlord Fiege was at it again. His amicable list groweth:

Terence Howard
Ed Norton
Jon Favreau
Don Cheadle
Kenneth Branagh

Who's next? My money is on Joss Whedon once Avengers wraps.

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Re: Thor


Post by darklighter1 »

Oh absolutely. I keep hearing how they loooooove Whedon...if that isn't the kiss of death I don't know what is. So Cheadle is on the outs now too? Typical. RDJ probably is thrilled to be doing Iron Man III with people dropping like flies around him.

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Re: Thor


Post by Sir Jig-A-Lot »

Indeed! They "loved" all those other guys too. Yeah , Cheadle blogged his relationshit with Fiege is strained at best. Wouldn't surprise me if he steps on RDJ's toes either. Marvel needs to realize they only have one classic film thus far.
The rest have been so so at best.

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Re: Thor


Post by darklighter1 »

Yeah but they're Marvel land of the giants....Quesada...Bendis...Arad..Fiege...if those names don't inspire confidence of quality what really does?

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