Über wrote:My biggest question is...WTF did they feel the need to make Loki a Frost Giant..?!?!
He is of the giant race & Laufey's actual son. They got that bit right. Except Odin adopted him after he slew Laufey in battle :p
And what the heck was the end teaser about..? I can't believe I sat through the credits for that shit..!
The scientist was possesed/mind-controlled by Loki. That's the Cosmic Cube. A deus ex machina of power & wish fulfilment. that scene was most likely a set up for the Cap movie, not the Avengers.
Don't even get me started on the sidekicks, yeah, that might be beef #2...They kinda stunk, but again, I'm coming from the myths only, I don't know if they were comic faithful or not...
The Warriors Three were underwritten. Blame it on the Script. Sif is Thor's woman in the comics. But because the ditched him having been trapped inside a mortal on earth, the idiots decided to mash up Thor with Don Blake's woman Jane Foster.
My biggest beef...Is, that for whatever reason, Mjöllnir just looked...Fake or something... :(
Agreed. It didn't look like it had a weight to it.