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Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:54 pm
by Buffmaster
Congrats, Stalkerboy, now go and get them naked photos of Jessica

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:49 pm
by ruffriders23
kudos to Mr. SM. Good job on an average of 1000 posts per month. If you are going to do something, I say do it all the way or not at all.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:00 pm
by Bot
Congrats Mr. SM. Definitely had some good candidates this month, and a great candidate took it.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:31 pm
by Skinny Bastard
Dayam .....
ya leave the room for a minute and look what happens... I didn't even get a chance to vote... just logged in, noticed the new decorations and thought, "what the hell? I better look around and see what happened..."

Thank you for the honor, but truth be told... the true reward is the one i get every day that I post. The knowledge that someone else's day may be just a little bit lighter...

Thank you all for welcoming me into this community with zero (how much is that, anyway.../wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />) hesitation.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:35 pm
by ruffriders23
Someone elses day is that much lighter... I always feel that my posts make someone elses that much better. Is that selfish or just zero % humility?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:48 pm
by trashtalkr
Congrats really deserve it

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:52 pm
by Bot
If people keep voting, we may have to give the award to someone else... lmao

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:04 am
by hotheat
the voting's done?!? ...and here i was wating still for some furious campaign posts! /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />

congrats, stalker on ur highly deserved award! u had some stiff competition there! everyone had their own significant contributions!

let's roll out the barrel n celebrate! (...let that not be zero barrels! /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />)

...maybe next time, we can announce the length of the voting period! /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:06 am
by trashtalkr
Yea, that's a good idea. Start the voting on a Sunday and have it go through Saturday or something. That's not a bad idea

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:16 am
by Bot
Definitely a good idea. Next time! /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />