Prayer , love ,and tsunamies

A school of music that studies the rhythm of nature, a school of fashion that studies the elegance of the Universe, a school of design that studies the architecture of the ancients, a school of philosophy that studies the time-tested Truth.
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Post by Aemeth »

But how does it prove anything if it depends on your POV?

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Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:51 am


Post by raum »

you kids need to get a little bit more Kant in your diet.

There is ONLY perception. Both The Percieved and the Perciever are illusions.

If I was walking along on Ayhja's right side, and said "Ayhja has a tattoo." and you were walking on his left side, you would not see it. Therefore, in your perception, that is not a true statement. UNLESS, you had prior knowledge of the tattoo on his right arm. OPTIONALLY, you could assign a value of "false, pending evaluation" or "true, pending evaluation", but until you PERCIEVE IT, you can judge that statement either true or false, but you have no absolute. UNLESS, you TRUST my word. But even then, it could just be a drawing with a standard pen... or better yet, you may only know the classic definition of the word tattoo, which has nothing to do with needles; and is a calling of an armed cadre into formation, as a signal to advance.

Furthermore, he could get the tattoo removed, and then the conditional truth of the statement is dispelled.

This is why the ancients say "Time tryeth Truth."

This is the nature of Boolean Logic, which is CONDITIONAL, not ABSOLUTE. In fact the more definite a statement, the easier it is to discredit, because the light of the Universe can not be held stagnant by stubborness for long at all. THAT is the TRUE evolution. and as the center of Conscious perception is Consciousness, I can only concede there is a consciousness ARRANGING it around itself, and being in that state of reception, I am the inclined to simply indicate that if I say "might be", I will be ephemerally adhereing to the probablity as opposed to a definite "yes" or "no"

or better yet, his name is NOT Ayhja, that is his creed. Thus, I have not even mentioned the person in between us /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> This is even further complicated by

dream you are a rock dreaming you are a butterfly, and you will learn more of Nature than you will by smashing a butterfly with a rock to prove the butterfly is real.

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