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Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:12 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
The way I see it, If he's almost done filming, They should release Thor on Christmas & snatch up that vacant spot that LOTR & Happy Potter used to occupy as dec/jan/feb are usually the dead months for sci-fi fantasy films these days.

Branagh Sheds Light on Thor
Straight from the halls of Asgard, the director speaks.
by Phil Pirrello
US, April 1, 2010 - Expect director Kenneth Branagh's Thor to be as epic as its titular hero requires.

In a recent interview with The Los Angeles Times, Branagh talks from the Santa Fe set about shooting the film, which is two-thirds complete, and the challenges of bringing a Viking into the crowded comic book movie marketplace.

The story is split between Asgard, the majestic and eternal home of the Norse gods, and the modern world, which Branagh says he views more as an opportunity than a challenge.

"Inspired by the comic book world both pictorially and compositionally at once, we've tried to find a way to make a virtue and a celebration of the distinction between the worlds that exist in the film but absolutely make them live in the same world," K-Bran said. "It's about finding the framing style, the color palette, finding the texture and the amount of camera movement that helps celebrate and express the differences and the distinctions in those worlds. If it succeeds, it will mark this film as different... The combination of the primitive and the sophisticated, the ancient and the modern, I think that potentially is the exciting fusion, the exciting tension in the film."
Branagh also dismissed recent rumors of on-set disagreements between himself and Oscar-winner Anthony Hopkins, who plays Thor's father, Odin.

"It's going very, very well," Branagh said. "We're in New Mexico now, where we have a contemporary Earth part of our story. ... At this stage of the game what's surprising and delighting me is the way the cast, the ensemble, has fused together. It's kind of an interesting combination of very young and very experienced people and the double-up of that, it seems to me, is there is a lot of fire in the movie. It doesn't take itself too seriously, it doesn't try to be too solemn."

Thor will also lay significant lattice work for Marvel's epic plan to unify its film universes in the planned Avengers movie. Captain America and May's Iron Man 2 will play a role in the unification as well.

In short: We best camp out for tickets now. See Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster when Thor rolls into theaters May 6, 2011.

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:18 am
by darklighter1
I hope it's this well choreographed and acted! :geek:


Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:09 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
If Brannagh can't make the Thor movie look like that, I'll spit in his face! Ptooey!

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:34 pm
by darklighter1
The hammer in that one was pretty menacing though right? And I loved how Thor was just a throwback bully. These guys nailed the essence of Thor.

Re: Thor

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:42 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
darklighter1 wrote:The hammer in that one was pretty menacing though right? And I loved how Thor was just a throwback bully. These guys nailed the essence of Thor.
Uggggg! Hey that hammer was created to kill Frost Giants. A brute should wield it.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:02 am
by darklighter1
Sir Jig-A-Lot wrote:
darklighter1 wrote:The hammer in that one was pretty menacing though right? And I loved how Thor was just a throwback bully. These guys nailed the essence of Thor.
Uggggg! Hey that hammer was created to kill Frost Giants. A brute should wield it.
BWHAHAHAHA! I think my Craftsman hammer from Sears has more heft to it than that one. I'm curious what the new Mjolnir will look like in the movie, Classic Thor or (BLLLLLEEEEEEECHHH) Ultimate World Wrestling Entertainment Thor?

Re: Thor

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:00 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
My money is on the HHH Special.

Re: Thor

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:33 am
by darklighter1
That will suck!!!!! :disappoint:

Re: Thor

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:24 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
First image:

Re: Thor

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:39 am
by darklighter1
COOL!!! And he looks like Thor Thor not Nu-Thor!! Neato! Hope he has the helmet though. Although the beard is kinda scary.