darklighter1 wrote:Yeah is in my opinion top three hottest actresses out there right now so I'm looking forward to this again if just for her.
Really? I know shes good on Gossip Girl. But top 3 actress out now?
Oh yeah man, looks wise? Definitely. I mean I don't know about her acting talent, I've never sat through one of her "Girl with the flying Pants" movies or nothing but when I see paparazzi shots of her?...drooooool inducing talent. AND I almost once sat through an episode of Gossip Girl! Yep! I am that into her look that I almost subjected myself to it. SO it will be interesting to watch a movie I'm interested in AND see a choice piece of ass as well.
Dude gossip girl isn't that bad unless your one of them dudes that get squeamish when the word chick flick comes up.
Aw man! That could either be as good as Iron Man or more likely might be as horrendous a balls up as Daredevil..
I knew they were gonna comedy it up when they cast him. I see Reynolds as Wally West's Flash not as Hal Jordan.
Sir Jig-A-Lot wrote:Aw man! That could either be as good as Iron Man or more likely might be as horrendous a balls up as Daredevil..
I knew they were gonna comedy it up when they cast him. I see Reynolds as Wally West's Flash not as Hal Jordan.
Very very true. I was hoping he'd be Flash too but I guess I was impressed the costume somewhat resembled the comic's which still looks silly in reality but better than I feared it was gonna. The FX look great though.
Had they approached the source material more seriously, I actually would have agreed with some of the pundits who said prior to the release of this trailer that Green Lantern could have been the Star Wars of this generation. Now, me'sa tink it's closer to Spaceballs or the SW prequels. Hal Jordan has never been a clown. Kiloweg & Sinestro looked cool though.
I'm tryin to look past the Reynolds smartass comments stuff and I like the look of the rest of it pretty much. I thought seeing a giant green fist or whatever would look goofy in a fairly serious story but it looked pretty cool actually. Reynolds definitely woulda been better for Flash but I guess we have to deal with it.