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Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:43 am
by Deepak
socail responsibity isnt appicalable on an individual level.... this would result in too many problems as every individual has different interpretaitons of what socail responsibitly are. The word socail in itself means a collective level. The fact that ur business runs a sound operation means that you are socailly responsible. Again m going to empahsise that socail responsibitly is going beyond the economic and legal obligations that business have. How far beyond that they would chose to go is upon them but the question here is should they go beyond the poin of legal and economic responsibilty?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:53 am
OK Deepak, but individuals make up businesses, do they not..? From my favorite website:

of or relating to human society , the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society

I don't think that running a business in a sound manner has anything to do with social responsibility, at least more so than you want to make money...You don't build an establishment that is potentially offensive to consumers, and expect it to do well....Atop that, society is every changing, and moving, social dynamics are hard to gauge, and even harder to moniter...

But in any case, if we are limiting the scope of it like that:

"should they go beyond the point of legal and economic responsibilty?"

No...For what..? To do what..? What else is there..?