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Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:26 pm
by hotheat
it doesn't happen as often as u want.
worst thing 'bout onanism?
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:52 pm
by deepdiver32073
Depends on the definition of onanism you're using. "masturbation" - worst thing is that you're usually alone when you do it. "Coitus interuptus" - worst thing is that it usually leaves both participants unsatisfied.
Worst thing about words having multiple definitions?
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:39 pm
by hotheat
you'd have to disambiguate.
*actually, i was referring to masturbation which i believe was the more common meaning of the word. but i guess i forgot, we have the likes of DD, whose grasp of vocabulary would leave most of us wanting. /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" /> *
*i believe the word originated with the biblical character Onan, who "spilled his seed" on the ground. God struck him down for his transgression. *
*contrast that with Solomon who had a lot of wives, and God gave him wisdom*
-on with the game-
worst thing 'bout a "menage a trois?"
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:54 pm
by deepdiver32073
keeping it from your wife.
worst thing about having a pool?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:04 am
by trashtalkr
Everyone trys to suck up to you so they can come over and use it
Worst thing about weddings?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:10 am
by deepdiver32073
having to go (whether it's yours or someone else's! LOL)
worst thing about having children?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:29 am
by hotheat
they'll go hungry if u don't feed them.
worst thing 'bout having parents?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:24 am
by deepdiver32073
when you grow up they still want to treat you like a kid.
Worst thing about world peace?
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:20 pm
by hotheat
you'd miss all the exciting news on TV.
worst thing ' bout sports?
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:29 pm
by deepdiver32073
the salaries
Worst thing about air conditioning?