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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:04 am
QUOTE(Lost Ghost)And Ty you missed my point....referees and coaches aren't critques...the sportcasters are....and, at least my personal favorites, tend to be those who've played before. They know better than anyone else what its like to be in a similar situation, so they can explain all the dynamics of it better than someone who's been sitting on the coach watching the game for a year.

Can you please tell me how a coach isn't a critic..???

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:05 am
by Lost Ghost
I have all of his 3 CD's and downloaded every song I could find and I've never even HEARD of "Victory"

maybe you got him confused man.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:12 am
No man, it's him...

See, I remember there was another cat named Tech9, he was on the Gang Related soundtrack...

But this tech9, this dude had like a funky ass hairdo...And the name of the song was victory or something like that...Shit, I can't find it outta my recyle bin for shit...

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:19 am
by Lost Ghost
Well, being a avid Tech fan...I've never heard Victory, so it was probably some terrible remake.

Well...the coach you brought up is invalid anyway. Bobby Knight didn't play professionally....but he doesn't coach at the professional level.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:32 am
I'll find that song


Can you please tell me how a coach isn't a critic..? Can you count the number of people Cus D'Amato knocked out before he coached young Mike Tyson to being the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion in the world..? How many touchdowns did Bill Walsh throw in the NFL before he designed and saw through the exectution of the greatest offensive system in modern football..?

We can keep going down this road, but I promise you won't be able to follow...Consider for the topic at hand:

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:29 am
by Lost Ghost
A coach is a teacher...not a critic.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:51 am
And...he pushes on...You gonna make me semantic whip you..?

"Matt, you have to gather yourself before you throw the football, right now, you're throwing off your back leg, and that's not right..."

- An example of a critique from a football coach to a quaterback

Teaching is largely critique, evaluation, correction, and instruction...Coaches are the only meaningful critics there are, what you, I, and Stu Scott thing is for shits and giggles...

And you didn't answer my question...

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:55 am
by raum
simple, a coach is not a critic because he is biased toward the team he coaches.

a critic is an unbiased source of data from an independent source.

you could can say a scout is a critic, but not a coach.,.,.

the issue comes when people think a critic is the only source of critique.

critique is the french word for advise (verb form first declension)
critic (creetis) is a Greek word for "showing the truth, from an outside persepective."

these words are not the same. in a greek sense, a coach is a critic because he is not on the field... per se, but not in the entertainment or sports sense, because he is loyal to one of the competitors.


Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:15 am
by Lost Ghost
If only I could figure out how to put that "OWNED" video on.....This would be the 3rd thread in a row I'd have to do it do you!