I've had the Winter Soldier blu-ray for a week now (& a perfect digital rip even longer than that) & have rewatched it almost every day, even if sometimes just plays in the background. It definitely inches out Guardians Of The Galaxy (not by much though) as the best Marvel movie to date. Speaking of GOTG, I'm surprised nobody has started a thread about it here yet..
I haven't seen GOTG, I was supposed to go and geek out with my friends at the comic book store, but I ended up working. I'll probably go and see it this weekend or the next. Winter Soldier was indeed awesome, ScarJo...Man...I don't even think I can find the words...
darklighter1 wrote:Yeah this movie was probably my favorite Marvel movie to date. Just amazing all around and Evens has completely become Cap.
Agreed on both counts! With every viewing it keeps getting better. I always notice new stuff. It's gonna be hard to beat. DC have dug themselves a deep hole with their last two live-action offerings.