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Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:53 am
by Bot
So, after being bugged by friends for years to read this book, I finally picked up a copy the other day. I've read about 34 of the 311 pages. It's not bad, but the writing is terrible. I can't count how many times Orwell has used the word Very. lol The story is good so far, though. Has anyone else read this book?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:04 pm
by Deepak
I haven't read it but I did a report on it. It sounded interesting. Also would reccomend you read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

It is a different book, might even say a heavy read esp the first few chapters but once you get into it the book is great.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:00 am
by Pete
I haven't actually read it, but my Yr 11 English teacher told us all about it (as well as Brave New World & Lord of the Flies etc.), so I know what it is about.

In fact Goerge Orwell (not his real name) you could say started the whole reality tv thing, indirectly. In South America (I think), they made a documentary where a model lived in a house for three months, completely supervised by cameras. Of course the house was called "Big Brother"- and the whole game show by Endemol sprung off from that, live in a house with a bunch of drongos for three months while being watched by cameras.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:32 am
by cs_cdkey4
ive read it n thought it was pretty damn good man....

read it bout 8 yrs ago....

they got the idea of big brother from this book didnt they????

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:41 pm
by raum

Набросок к портрету Оруэлла

У каждой писательской биографии свой узор, своя логика. Эту логику не
всякий раз легко почувствовать, а тем более -- обнаружить за нею высший
смысл, который диктует время. Но бывает, что старая истина, говорящая о
невозможности понять человека вне его эпохи, становится неопровержимой не в
отвлеченном, а в самом буквальном значении слова. Судьба Джорджа Оруэлла --
пример как раз такого рода.

hmm, I don't see the word "very" in their at all

more HERE

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:07 pm
by Bot
You lost me, raum... lol

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:35 pm
by Lost Ghost
yeah WTF is raum talking about?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:01 pm
by raum
there's just nothing that speaks 1984 like cold war era russian.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:32 am
by Deepak
If i remember right ... wasnt 1984 a story after or during the 2nd world war and around 1948. But due to some obscure reason he titled it as 1984?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:14 am
by Bot
You could be right. The book was written in '49, and throughout the book, or at least what I've read so far, Oceania is at war with Eurasia.