My week- rather my life 2003-today
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:02 pm
You all know about my weekend and the ruckus that went on.
Well, look, I know that everyone cops stress. My father's on fluvoxamine maleate, ferrkrissakes! :shock:
2 years ago I lost focus in my degree, then my motivation, then sleep, started to worry, spiralled out of control......and thus fell into anxiety and depression. I was living with my sister and she saw a VERY ugly side of me....
It fucked up my entire year- at the end of the year I went to a doctor for a medical check-up, and he sent me to the psychotherapist........
I ran away after paying the $80 bill.
I went back to university full of good intentions, but at the end of the year not only hit rock bottom, but scraped it.
The thing is, I hid this from most people, but I guess it did show through slightly, as some of you may remember my quite fanatic crazy nature..
In 2005 I got a job, which helped me gain some focus on my future career (ha what a coincidence I'm wearing the t-shirt I got from them). It was good as I got some practical experience, even though it was just 3 months work experience. It would have led onto futher work but it was just "wrong place wrong time", they were really busy and didn't have much time to train me. Had I had my degree, or years of bush experience, I would have stayed there. After that I got offered a great job, but there were some holdups on when I could start, so I did banana farm work for 3 months. I told them I might be leaving for another job, so they got a replacement ready. Then I was told the job fell through (the employer was crushed, as he was understaffed and his bosses cut his budget), and also had no job at the bananas when they had to start the replacement.
I went and stayed at my parents for a while, and looked for more similar jobs. I learnt the HARD WAY not to wait for anyone, just go for anything otherwise they'll leave you in the lurch, damn procrastinating pricks. Because I had been out of work for so long, I ended up on the dole, which SUCKS.
So, I selected to work for the local university gardens department, 2 days a week, for my Work for the Dole project. It was good as it was outside, and close to home (this in in Townsville, not Kurrimine Beach where my parents are).
I was the only one that treated it as a job- turned up every day, and worked me arse off non-stop (my supervisor was quite a bludger. But a good bloke).
Late January 2006 I finally got some paid work, on a noxious plant-exterminating team called Norther Inland Weed & Timber Control. It was great as I got to go out west for a bit, do some hard yakka, earn some money, and get some bush experience. I also learnt to shoot guns, and make up some of the gayest stuff ever- one of the guys would do stupid stuff to get attention (he didn't have many friends), and always taunt people with homosexual stuff, even though he's straight. Honestly I am one of the most straight men on this earth, and the stuff I had to come up with to shut & cut him up was like I spend my head up blokes' arses all day...
Also I never heard the word "cunt" so much in my life....every damn sentence! It was like a generic term for ANYTHING! Whether it be a weed, person, a curseword, object, didn't matter. But they never used it in a sexual sense.
So after all this, I had in a way went through my own rehabilitation programme.
I re-enrolled in a full course, so I can finish this degree and get the hell outta there. I do plan on doing postgraduate studies, but LATER, when I can officially call myself a scientist and get a decent job for a bit. I moved in again with my sister, as it's close to the university.
Anyway so right now I'm up to my eyeballs in study, and struggling. I've been disguising myself and avoiding lecturers like the Plague so they don't put me on the spot...
I am not depressed (thank goodness), or even aggressive. But I am scared that I might end up like that. I almost cried a few days ago when thinking that I couldn't handle it back then......
I've had some setbacks, which has made things harder. It doesn't help that I haven't had much sleep, and after getting aggravated and mad and angry while already being cranky and tired, from not only no sleep but walking around all day without my feet orthotics across rocks in the dreary drizzling rain, I had to put up with three fucken drunks cavorting in my damn cabin at 4 in the bloody morning!
Ever since last weekend I've been sleeping throught the daytime all day- getting up at 4pm and going to bed mid next mornings.... Barely any work done because I've been tired....missed all my classes...shitted me off even more....and no behind with my assignments...........
So last night at 7pm, I came home and made some dinner. I fried some lamb chops with tarragon & green capsicum, and steamed some beans in a saucepan. I put some water in the saucepan, but not enough.
So towards the end there's all this steam, my sister is acting stupid carrying on about the smoke, and I thought it was just the frypan. It's all finished cooking and I eat my dinner- which turned out pretty nice.
My sister starts cracking up at me about the mess I made- FUCKEN HELL CAN'T SHE WAIT UNTIL I HAVE FINISHED EATING??????????????? :bt:
Then she discovers the saucepan and says I burnt a hole in it, or just. Starts yelling even more.
Doesn't fucken give me a break, or care that I had been awake at that point for nearly 30 hours straight.
Starts verbally abusing me, saying I'm causing trouble for the other housemate, I'm wrecking all her stuff that's apparently brand new. For goodness sake I am just awake!
Yet I still held my head together. I did not raise my voice once (in the past when I was depressed, I would snap instantly, at anything- very irritable).
I did though smash a cup- picked it up so hard then chucked it that it smashed- a plastic cup by the way, that we had had since little. She got mad at me for that (it shouldn't have been lying around, I didn't leave it there), but still couldn't take into account my stress and lack of sleep.
Now the reason I am scared- is because I am on my last legs, living in that house. Although I am "independant" of my parents, they still have control of the house in a way, and will kick me out if I cause trouble for my sister, regardless of what I do. My sister did cop alot from me in the past- I am sorry that she endured what she did. But she holds it as a grudge against me, she thinks I'll be like that always (she needs to open her view up a bit).
So now she vents on me alot, and the slightest thing that I do that may bug her, bugs her in a VERY BIG WAY.
And our parents take it VERY SERIOUSLY.
Earlier this year my sister and I went to see the Cowboys vs the Newcastle Knights. I shouted until I went completely hoarse I was that excited. I could barely speak for the following week. But I enjoyed myself thoroughly, so I didn't mind too much.
My sister though took exception to it. She's very shy in public, and doesn't like attention drawn towards her (most times). She thinks I made a fool of her just because I was screaming for my team, and was imagining that people around us were saying I was being stupid (obviously not thinking very well, we were at a rugby league game remember....).
When the opportunity came to go to another game, she didn't want me to shout as it humilated her. Now she didn't kindly say this to me, just outright blasted me and abused me. She completely hurt my feelings, really tore me up. I would understand if she said "lower the shouting a little bit" or "try to shout towards the players, not so close to my ear", but no, she just BULLIED me. I was very upset about that, and felt like I was being suffocated. I started to shout out and get upset, then she rang up my parents. Now I'd get anxious when she'd ring them, as she would do it when I'd get aggressive and use it as a way of attacking me, because it made me anxious. I would get so scared I couldn't go near the phone.
This time I did speak on the phone...........................
My father started getting right stuck into me, just didn't listen to what I had to say at all and understand the full story. His words truly made me feel like a waste of space. And I let him know that, I completely broke down and cried............
He felt like he had lost his son (and he nearly did)................
After 2 weeks of so after that, I've been on good terms with my father (still communication issues but otherwise good), which I am extremely grateful for.
But I am still fearful of what may happen again.....
Now back to the present- my sister was abusing me and rousing the shit outta me because I had damaged the saucepan and made a bit of a mess and broke a cup. Now, apart from the cup I was COMPLETELY calm. I was not aggressive at all. I did not yell, nothing. Absolutely NOTHING like the patterns or behaviours I had exhibited in the past. I just kept on saying "Please don't do this, I am really tired and have been awake for a long time. I understand that you have also been stressed these last 2 weeks, like everyone else (she did also cop things hard during her prac over the last two weeks). But, please, I will clean this up, just as I am doing right now, and you can get mad at me later. This is extremely hard to deal with. So please leave me alone."
She did not let up at all.
So I went to bed, 8:30pm.
And I bloody slept in again.....woke up 10:30am, missed a lecture and half of my morning prac. /sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" />
I haven't been home yet. I've been occupying myself with these forums, posting galleries, etc.
I want to speak to my parents about this, but I am too scared of what may happen. I am truly on my last legs, Hey she didn't have to check the saucepan and bug me about cleaning up- I would have cleaned up immediately after eating and replaced the saucepan if it was seriously damaged. She was the one that started abusing me- I didn't even yell back.
Even if they might chuck me out onto the street because they think I am disrupting my sister, at least it could happen after I've slept a bit. Yes they would drive the 230km down the coast to physically kick me out, or call the coppers to do it.
But AFTER, not right now.
I really cannot deal with this right now.
I almost feel like I shouldn't go home. I need to as I need the sleep, and I have things to do tomorrow. But I cannot confront my sister or have to speak with my parents if they are just going to get mad at me. I feel like they won't listen at all, just hearing that "he broke my cup I've had since I was 3!", "he got oil everywhere!", "he burnt my BRAND NEW SAUCEPAN!" "I can't deal with this shit I study and I've been stressed and I've been working too hard lately!" Will make them think I have been nothing but trouble, completely disregard me and, yes, if they kicked me out, it would literally be that, with a steel-cap boot.
I think I should just find somewhere round the campus and crash, then wake up in the morning and ring my parents on my mobile phone and explain the situation, stressing that I remained calm & non-aggressive throughout the whole thing.
Well, look, I know that everyone cops stress. My father's on fluvoxamine maleate, ferrkrissakes! :shock:
2 years ago I lost focus in my degree, then my motivation, then sleep, started to worry, spiralled out of control......and thus fell into anxiety and depression. I was living with my sister and she saw a VERY ugly side of me....
It fucked up my entire year- at the end of the year I went to a doctor for a medical check-up, and he sent me to the psychotherapist........
I ran away after paying the $80 bill.
I went back to university full of good intentions, but at the end of the year not only hit rock bottom, but scraped it.
The thing is, I hid this from most people, but I guess it did show through slightly, as some of you may remember my quite fanatic crazy nature..
In 2005 I got a job, which helped me gain some focus on my future career (ha what a coincidence I'm wearing the t-shirt I got from them). It was good as I got some practical experience, even though it was just 3 months work experience. It would have led onto futher work but it was just "wrong place wrong time", they were really busy and didn't have much time to train me. Had I had my degree, or years of bush experience, I would have stayed there. After that I got offered a great job, but there were some holdups on when I could start, so I did banana farm work for 3 months. I told them I might be leaving for another job, so they got a replacement ready. Then I was told the job fell through (the employer was crushed, as he was understaffed and his bosses cut his budget), and also had no job at the bananas when they had to start the replacement.
I went and stayed at my parents for a while, and looked for more similar jobs. I learnt the HARD WAY not to wait for anyone, just go for anything otherwise they'll leave you in the lurch, damn procrastinating pricks. Because I had been out of work for so long, I ended up on the dole, which SUCKS.
So, I selected to work for the local university gardens department, 2 days a week, for my Work for the Dole project. It was good as it was outside, and close to home (this in in Townsville, not Kurrimine Beach where my parents are).
I was the only one that treated it as a job- turned up every day, and worked me arse off non-stop (my supervisor was quite a bludger. But a good bloke).
Late January 2006 I finally got some paid work, on a noxious plant-exterminating team called Norther Inland Weed & Timber Control. It was great as I got to go out west for a bit, do some hard yakka, earn some money, and get some bush experience. I also learnt to shoot guns, and make up some of the gayest stuff ever- one of the guys would do stupid stuff to get attention (he didn't have many friends), and always taunt people with homosexual stuff, even though he's straight. Honestly I am one of the most straight men on this earth, and the stuff I had to come up with to shut & cut him up was like I spend my head up blokes' arses all day...
Also I never heard the word "cunt" so much in my life....every damn sentence! It was like a generic term for ANYTHING! Whether it be a weed, person, a curseword, object, didn't matter. But they never used it in a sexual sense.
So after all this, I had in a way went through my own rehabilitation programme.
I re-enrolled in a full course, so I can finish this degree and get the hell outta there. I do plan on doing postgraduate studies, but LATER, when I can officially call myself a scientist and get a decent job for a bit. I moved in again with my sister, as it's close to the university.
Anyway so right now I'm up to my eyeballs in study, and struggling. I've been disguising myself and avoiding lecturers like the Plague so they don't put me on the spot...
I am not depressed (thank goodness), or even aggressive. But I am scared that I might end up like that. I almost cried a few days ago when thinking that I couldn't handle it back then......
I've had some setbacks, which has made things harder. It doesn't help that I haven't had much sleep, and after getting aggravated and mad and angry while already being cranky and tired, from not only no sleep but walking around all day without my feet orthotics across rocks in the dreary drizzling rain, I had to put up with three fucken drunks cavorting in my damn cabin at 4 in the bloody morning!
Ever since last weekend I've been sleeping throught the daytime all day- getting up at 4pm and going to bed mid next mornings.... Barely any work done because I've been tired....missed all my classes...shitted me off even more....and no behind with my assignments...........
So last night at 7pm, I came home and made some dinner. I fried some lamb chops with tarragon & green capsicum, and steamed some beans in a saucepan. I put some water in the saucepan, but not enough.
So towards the end there's all this steam, my sister is acting stupid carrying on about the smoke, and I thought it was just the frypan. It's all finished cooking and I eat my dinner- which turned out pretty nice.
My sister starts cracking up at me about the mess I made- FUCKEN HELL CAN'T SHE WAIT UNTIL I HAVE FINISHED EATING??????????????? :bt:
Then she discovers the saucepan and says I burnt a hole in it, or just. Starts yelling even more.
Doesn't fucken give me a break, or care that I had been awake at that point for nearly 30 hours straight.
Starts verbally abusing me, saying I'm causing trouble for the other housemate, I'm wrecking all her stuff that's apparently brand new. For goodness sake I am just awake!
Yet I still held my head together. I did not raise my voice once (in the past when I was depressed, I would snap instantly, at anything- very irritable).
I did though smash a cup- picked it up so hard then chucked it that it smashed- a plastic cup by the way, that we had had since little. She got mad at me for that (it shouldn't have been lying around, I didn't leave it there), but still couldn't take into account my stress and lack of sleep.
Now the reason I am scared- is because I am on my last legs, living in that house. Although I am "independant" of my parents, they still have control of the house in a way, and will kick me out if I cause trouble for my sister, regardless of what I do. My sister did cop alot from me in the past- I am sorry that she endured what she did. But she holds it as a grudge against me, she thinks I'll be like that always (she needs to open her view up a bit).
So now she vents on me alot, and the slightest thing that I do that may bug her, bugs her in a VERY BIG WAY.
And our parents take it VERY SERIOUSLY.
Earlier this year my sister and I went to see the Cowboys vs the Newcastle Knights. I shouted until I went completely hoarse I was that excited. I could barely speak for the following week. But I enjoyed myself thoroughly, so I didn't mind too much.
My sister though took exception to it. She's very shy in public, and doesn't like attention drawn towards her (most times). She thinks I made a fool of her just because I was screaming for my team, and was imagining that people around us were saying I was being stupid (obviously not thinking very well, we were at a rugby league game remember....).
When the opportunity came to go to another game, she didn't want me to shout as it humilated her. Now she didn't kindly say this to me, just outright blasted me and abused me. She completely hurt my feelings, really tore me up. I would understand if she said "lower the shouting a little bit" or "try to shout towards the players, not so close to my ear", but no, she just BULLIED me. I was very upset about that, and felt like I was being suffocated. I started to shout out and get upset, then she rang up my parents. Now I'd get anxious when she'd ring them, as she would do it when I'd get aggressive and use it as a way of attacking me, because it made me anxious. I would get so scared I couldn't go near the phone.
This time I did speak on the phone...........................
My father started getting right stuck into me, just didn't listen to what I had to say at all and understand the full story. His words truly made me feel like a waste of space. And I let him know that, I completely broke down and cried............
He felt like he had lost his son (and he nearly did)................
After 2 weeks of so after that, I've been on good terms with my father (still communication issues but otherwise good), which I am extremely grateful for.
But I am still fearful of what may happen again.....
Now back to the present- my sister was abusing me and rousing the shit outta me because I had damaged the saucepan and made a bit of a mess and broke a cup. Now, apart from the cup I was COMPLETELY calm. I was not aggressive at all. I did not yell, nothing. Absolutely NOTHING like the patterns or behaviours I had exhibited in the past. I just kept on saying "Please don't do this, I am really tired and have been awake for a long time. I understand that you have also been stressed these last 2 weeks, like everyone else (she did also cop things hard during her prac over the last two weeks). But, please, I will clean this up, just as I am doing right now, and you can get mad at me later. This is extremely hard to deal with. So please leave me alone."
She did not let up at all.
So I went to bed, 8:30pm.
And I bloody slept in again.....woke up 10:30am, missed a lecture and half of my morning prac. /sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" />
I haven't been home yet. I've been occupying myself with these forums, posting galleries, etc.
I want to speak to my parents about this, but I am too scared of what may happen. I am truly on my last legs, Hey she didn't have to check the saucepan and bug me about cleaning up- I would have cleaned up immediately after eating and replaced the saucepan if it was seriously damaged. She was the one that started abusing me- I didn't even yell back.
Even if they might chuck me out onto the street because they think I am disrupting my sister, at least it could happen after I've slept a bit. Yes they would drive the 230km down the coast to physically kick me out, or call the coppers to do it.
But AFTER, not right now.
I really cannot deal with this right now.
I almost feel like I shouldn't go home. I need to as I need the sleep, and I have things to do tomorrow. But I cannot confront my sister or have to speak with my parents if they are just going to get mad at me. I feel like they won't listen at all, just hearing that "he broke my cup I've had since I was 3!", "he got oil everywhere!", "he burnt my BRAND NEW SAUCEPAN!" "I can't deal with this shit I study and I've been stressed and I've been working too hard lately!" Will make them think I have been nothing but trouble, completely disregard me and, yes, if they kicked me out, it would literally be that, with a steel-cap boot.
I think I should just find somewhere round the campus and crash, then wake up in the morning and ring my parents on my mobile phone and explain the situation, stressing that I remained calm & non-aggressive throughout the whole thing.