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Disabled right click
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:17 pm
by Bot
I'm trying to save some pics from a site... but it seems they've disabled right click. Does anyone know how to get by that? Or another way to save these pics?
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:47 pm
by Bot
n/m I figured it out... ma-fuckas can't stop me! lol
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:49 pm
I was about to say, the IE cache is a beautiful thing...
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:58 pm
by Bot
Nothing annoys me more than a site that disables the right click... especially when it's a site I want to rip. lol
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:38 am
by WAY
Eh, view -> source works wonders ...
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:22 am
by trashtalkr
yea...that's how I always do it. Look at the source and take the pic that way.
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:49 am
by emanon
I will tell you about reason number 1,346,675,987 why Firefox is a better porn surfing browser than IE: Bookmarklets!
to use this little secret:
1) enable your bookmarks toolbar (right click on main toolbar and make sure bookmark toolbar is checked)
2) right click an empty area of the bookmark toolbar and select new bookmark. enter something short and descriptive for the name and then copy the following code to the location field
CODEjavascript:(function() { function R(a){ona = "on"+a; if(window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener(a, function (e) { for(var n=e.originalTarget; n; n=n.parentNode) n[ona]=null; }, true); window[ona]=null; document[ona]=null; if(document.body) document.body[ona]=null; } R("contextmenu"); R("click"); R("mousedown"); R("mouseup"); })()
3) when you encounter a site that thinks they are clever enough to stop you from right clicking, just click this link in your toolbar and then right click to your heart's content.
You don't NEED to put this in your bookmark toolbar, but it keeps it within 1 click whenever you need it.
Some other interesting bookmarkletts some might find useful:
Open a new window showing all images linked from the current page:
CODEjavascript:(function(){function I(u){var t=u.split('.'),e=t[t.length-1].toLowerCase();return {gif:1,jpg:1,jpeg:1,png:1,mng:1}[e]}function hE(s){return s.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/"/g,'"');}var q,h,i,z=open().document;z.write('<p>Images linked to by '+hE(location.href)+':</p><hr>');for(i=0;q=document.links;++i){h=q.href;if(h&&I(h))z.write('<p>'+q.innerHTML+' ('+hE(h)+')<br><img src="'+hE(h)+'">');}z.close();})()
when browsing images that are sequentially numbered:
to increment the number by one: CODEjavascript:(function(){ var e,s; IB=1; function isDigit(c) { return ("0" <= c && c <= "9") } L = location.href; LL = L.length; for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e) if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))) { for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s) if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s))) break; break; } ++s; if (e<0) return; oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1); newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB); while (newNum.length < oldNum.length) newNum = "0" + newNum; location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1); })();
to decrement the number by 1: CODEjavascript:(function(){ var e,s; IB=-1; function isDigit(c) { return ("0" <= c && c <= "9") } L = location.href; LL = L.length; for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e) if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))) { for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s) if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s))) break; break; } ++s; if (e<0) return; oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1); newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB); while (newNum.length < oldNum.length) newNum = "0" + newNum; location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1); })();
to open a new window that will allow you to specify the start and end numbers in any part of the url and then make a clickable list of all these urls: CODEjavascript:(function(){ function selectColor(i) { return ["#fdc", "#cdf", "#bfd", "#dbf", "#fbd"] [i%5]; } var u=location.href, ul=u.length; var tparts=[""], zparts=[], nz=0; function isDigit(c) { return ("0" <= c && c <= "9"); } for (i=0; i<ul; ) { for (; i<ul && !isDigit(u.charAt(i)); ++i) tparts[nz] += u.charAt(i); if(i<ul) { zparts[nz]=""; for (; i<ul && isDigit(u.charAt(i)); ++i) zparts[nz] += u.charAt(i); tparts[nz+1]=""; ++nz; } } if(!nz) { alert("No numbers in URL."); return; }; D.write(); D.close(); function a(n) { A(D.body,n); } function A(p,n) { p.appendChild(n); } function E(q) { return D.createElement(q); } function cT(t) { return D.createTextNode(t) } function cBR() { return E("br"); } function cS(t,ci) { var s=E("span");;"bold"; A(s, cT(t)); return s; } function cTB(v,oc) { var b=E("input"); b.size=6; b.value=v; b.addEventListener("input", oc, false); return b; } function cCB(t,oc) { var L=E("label"), b=E("input"); b.type="checkbox"; b.checked=true; b.onchange=oc; A(L,b); A(L,cT(t)); return L; } function cL(nz,tparts,zparts) { var L=E("a"); var u=""; for (var i=0; i<nz; ++i) { A(L,cT(tparts)); A(L,cS(zparts, i)); u += tparts+zparts; } A(L,cT(tparts[nz])); u += tparts[nz]; L.href=u;"_blank"; return L; } a(cT("Original URL: ")); a(cBR()); a(cL(nz, tparts, zparts)); a(cBR()); a(cBR()); var fromBoxes=[], toBoxes=[], padChecks=[]; for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) { a(cT("Run ")); a(cS(zparts, i)); a(cT(" from ")); a(fromBoxes=cTB(zparts, listURLs)); a(cT(" to ")); a(toBoxes=cTB(zparts, listURLs)); a(cT(" (")); a(j=cCB(" Pad with zeroes to maintain length", listURLs)); padChecks[i]=j.childNodes[0]; a(cT(")")); a(cBR()); } a(cBR()); resultDiv=E("div"); a(resultDiv); listURLs(); function listURLs() { while (resultDiv.childNodes.length) resultDiv.removeChild(resultDiv.childNodes[0]); var lows=[], highs=[]; for (i=0; i<nz; ++i) { lows[i]=parseInt(fromBoxes[i].value, 10); highs[i]=parseInt(toBoxes[i].value, 10); if(highs[i]-lows[i] > 999) { A(resultDiv, cT("Too many")); return; } } urls=[]; function cb(sta) { var newzparts=[]; for (var i=0; i<nz; ++i) { var z=""+sta[i]; if(padChecks[i].checked) while (z.length < zparts[i].length) z="0"+z; newzparts[i]=z; } A(resultDiv, cL(nz, tparts, newzparts)); A(resultDiv, cBR()); } fors(nz, cb, lows, highs); } function fors (n, callback, lows, highs) { function fors_inner (states, v) { if(v >= n) callback(states); else for (states[v]=lows[v]; states[v] <= highs[v]; ++(states[v])) fors_inner(states, v+1); } fors_inner ([], 0); } })()
to go up one directory from current location:
CODEjavascript:if (location.pathname == "/"); else if (location.pathname.charAt(location.pathname.length-1) == "/") location = ".."; else location = "."; void 0
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 6:50 am
by WAY
IE can have bookmarklets too...
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:05 am
IE = Trash tho...
Good tips E, you're on a roll this morning... /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:43 am
by Bot
Dude, that's a lot of fucking code... :shock: lol