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Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:32 am
by Lost Ghost
So I'm applying to a few schools now (finally, I know)...and one of the questions with an answer space that would allow me about 4 sentences was "if you had to room with a ficitional character..who would it be and why?" ...or maybe it was worded differently...but the question is still the same....I thought it was pretty interesting...and while I'm still pondering my own answer...I thought it'd be cool to see what you guys would put if you had to fill it out.....(and I'll probably just steal raum or ty's answer if i can't come up with anything lol)
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:02 pm
Definitely a cool question...
Do they mean fictional like someone you can come up with in your own mind, or someone everyone knows..?
Either way, assuming that this isn't a co-ed situation...Hmm...The more I think about it, the more this feels like a really gay situation, lol...Whomever it would be, it would have to be someone I could relate to, which puts many fictitious characters out of my league...
Terrance Howard is one of my favorite actors, so I would probably room with his character 'Q' from the movie 'The Best Man'...He was a straight shooter, intelligent, and a commanding kinda presence without really saying much...Like me, he would kick back and observe his environment first, and then act accordingly...
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:48 am
by highlife
Cause if you wanted her to she could walk around looking like selma hyack for a week .Also if you want to hear some good stories I seem to recall she had the ability to blink people from the past into existance. How about an evening listening to Danial Boone tell some tales. ...Game over