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Book Review: Build This Bong

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:21 pm
by happywonton
Build This Bong

I recently bought this book over at urban outfitters and its very informative. I am seriously thinking about dedicating my life to this book and to build every bong illustrated. It even shows you how to make a vaporizer! Although I don't have the soldering skills to do so, the other 39 projects seem very interesting. My favorites include: the honey bear bottle bong, the rubber ducky bong, the snow globe bong, and the spy glass bong. The book is contains detailed information on various types of bongs and has simple instructions that are only one page long. I recommend this book for any pothead.

I'll post pictures of any "water-pipes" i plan to build.

Re: Book Review: Build This Bong

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:15 pm
You are certainly a dedicated man, lol...

I'm curious, do you grow your own or buy..?

Re: Book Review: Build This Bong

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:22 pm
by happywonton
i just buy. theres too many variables in growing it and i dont feel like going through all that trouble for herb. its a every other day kind of thing.