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Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:38 pm
Just some things that I want to ask, just question that hop into my head from time to time...If you can answer a few, please do... :twisted:
Question #1
If a handicapped person has a wheelchair, shouldn't they be made to park farthest from the front of the store..?
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:21 pm
by ruffriders23
If it is motorized.. hell yes! If they have to wheel it themselves... they can park halfway. They STILL do get to sit while they go from point A to point B.
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:56 am
by Deepak
Is it discrimination that they get parking closer on them themselves as they wanted to be treated just like anyone else?
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:07 am
by g00b3r
What about Mom's and Dad's that have 3 kids. I think that my fat ass having to park in the back 40 to get twin 3 year olds and an 18 month old out of the back of a Nissan Altima and then wrangle them up to get them to the front of the store without getting hit, ran over, or fall - deserves a parking spot at the front.
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:46 am
by ruffriders23
My sister in law got a temp handicap placard when her twins were born premature. I still hold that even if it ISN'T motorized, they get to sit while going from A to B. I've got to walk! I know it is bad... but I do have a handicap placard... but my knees are all jacked up. I can't wait to go to the nursing home. You mean they bring me all my meals AND someone changes my diapers? LETS GO TODAY!!!!
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:21 am
by g00b3r
So what about elderly that have the handicap sticker, but are not in wheel chairs. Is it ok for them to be able to park super close?
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:53 pm
by deepdiver32073
And what about those with heart conditions? My dad has had over 5 heart attacks, now has a pacemaker, but also takes advantage of a handicap tag. He could not park in the lower 40 and expect to survive the hike.
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:28 pm
by ruffriders23
You don't get a handicap placard/sticker for JUST being physically disabled. Heart conditions, lung conditions, respiratory disorders, etc.
In all seriousness, this hits close to home for me because I was recently harassed at the University of New Mexico because the jackass gate guard didn't believe that my placard was actually mine ( ... /#comments). So, even though I look normal, I have a handicap placard.
Just because you are 70, doesn't mean you are handicap. Just because you have grey hair doesn't mean you are handicap. Just because I am 28 years old and rock a Dog Fighter #7 Falcons jersey doesn't mean I am NOT disabled!
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:58 am
by g00b3r
Aww hun I'm sorry you had to go through that. Some people can just be really rude and inconsiderate when it's unnecessary.
Re: Ooobs' Questions that need answers
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:58 am
by ruffriders23
Yes... and normally it is I that can be a dick. But, this guy tried to outdick me and anyone who knows me from AYHJA knows... I AM THE DICK IN THESE PARTS!