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World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:49 pm
by raum
So, I recently got my new laptop, and I dropped a few dollars down on World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade so I can play with my brother. Anyone else spend some time on this game?

I am not looking to disappear into the game, but I swear I would pay Ty's way to be on while I am for a few hours a week.

For me, I am sort of using it as a meditation on duality. I play two characters - both Alliance.

I play a Daenei (divine demonic dimensional aliens who find themselves exiled to the world. He is a lvl 2 mage, and I just started him last night, but already this shows promise!

I also have a level 7 Human warlock. I loved the touched by darkness edge. Sort of the flip side of the creature of light exiled to matter I see in my Draenei. His name is Pympslapp, and that should give you a bit of an idea of what I play him like.

My first character was a Night Elf Druid, and I erased him. He just didn't start well.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:39 pm
I have no idea what WoW is exactly, but I wouldn't mind learning...I saw it in an episode of South Park once, funny shit..!

Maybe I'll read a few reviews or books or something to get up to speed...

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:45 pm
by raum
Übermensch wrote:I have no idea what WoW is exactly, but I wouldn't mind learning...I saw it in an episode of South Park once, funny shit..!

Maybe I'll read a few reviews or books or something to get up to speed... ... ow_raf.htm

It is a GIANT game, with lots of stuff in it, and you play to enter this world with millions of other people. A chatroom full of adventure, magic, weapon racks and stuff to kill.

15 dollars will get you a 60day pass, and here is the 10 day demo on

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:36 pm
by zaphodz
Never got into these games too much myself.
Hanging out for UT3 :)

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:24 pm
by raum
you know what i hate about "first person" shooters?

I have combat experience. I hate that in a video game, my neck doesn't function. I have no shoulders. I have no chest, no feet, no frigging peripheral vision!!! Which is why I am perplexed why they have so many customizable character models.

Fake first-person is disorienting, ugly, slow, and UNREAL. If I bring to bear a weapon scope, I am looking at the world at least 3/4 SIDEWAYS because I am hunched over behind the weapon. If I using a pistol, I am NOT walking around holding it in one hand without using my other arm to stabalize the weapon hand. That is not walking like a stick figure. If I am stalking, I walk foot over foot, to allow a semi-circular sweep of my perimeter, and I can pop my waist in a instant to completely rotate.

what they need to do is actually get some combat people wear cams on glasses frame, and let them sweep a field. Do you know how much time you spend looking straight ahead? ..very little, if you know what you are doing.

I ain't hating on the people who like these games, I am just saying they teach HORRID combat skills. Run-n-gun in real life and you get popped fast. And frankly, I would rather keep my combat skills intact than be able to brag about my killer score in HALO.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:34 pm
by Drew
Hope you're still playing!

If you are, we can revive this discussion.

If not, thats a shame

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:32 am
by raum
I am still playing. I quit for a long time, but i am back at it on Greymane.

My main is a Death Knight, hit level 80 sunday. Mostly ran solo, btu was hanging in voice chat with my brother and other guildies. Not raid worthy yet, but have a good guild and am running my own simulations now; and of course trying to keep up on my daily heroics. I also have various characters in or around their 50th level. Pretty much one of each class. I build my own specs, because I like the data architecture exercises of my own spread sheets and calculations.

I generally only play Alliance on Greymane.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:45 pm
by jdog
After seeing what WOW has done to family and friends I would rather pour salt into my eyes. I had a brother-in-law (once best friend) that turned into a zombie and locked himself up in his bedroom. Refused to leave the room, eat slept and shat in there. All dark with no lights. Won't even spend time with his kids. It was sad.

Friends I have lost because they turned into WOW fanatics, 10-12 hours per day on the game. Talked about the game even when they weren't playing it. Would talk about it at work, etc.

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:40 pm
by Drew
I play alliance on Dark Iron.

Have an 80 Ret Pally who is pretty decked out...epic'd up until totc 25 man stuff, and I did that all solo and pugs... This game is too easy to get gear now days. I've pretty much retired that character aside from DE'ing everything BOE I get. I don't have the time to raid, and raiding is the only way to improve my character's gear at this its goodbye for now.

Right now I'm leveling my shaman, lvl 76...I could get her to 80 pretty much whenever I wanted, but I'm taking my time because I'm a skinner/LW...and its either work on that while I'm leveling, or hit 80 and then work on it for a few days before I do anything else, so I'm going slower. I really do love the professions in this game (anyone who leveled up enchanting HAS to, right?)

And I also have an alt of pretty much every class, but they're all resting around about 20. And unlike a lot of people, I enjoy leveling, so one day when I have more time I'm sure I'll be taking most of them up.

As far as the effects the game has on people...I just don't understand why. I've heard rumors about it happening, but I've never experienced any of my real life friends struggling with it, or anyone I've ever been in any guilds with. It's really no different than a lot of other video I just don't understand how people have it ruin their lives.

When I get on, I play for a few hours and thats it. And that's only like...three or four times a week. But I don't watch TV or movies all that this is basically in place of that for me. I know a lot of people who come home from class and just sit and watch TV for like 5-6 hours a day, so despite my semi-frequent playing...I'm still pretty productive

Re: World of Warcraft

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:45 am
by raum
I am sorry some people can't handle something so fun without destroying themselves. I don't get addiction. I am the rare fool who can have WoW in my computer room and leave it there. I also have a house with 20 or more people in it on the weekends, if it is my preogative. And I have real life friends who play WoW and we don't talk about it, nor do we even play on the same realms. In real life, the game just don't come up much.

I was lecturing on the classic heresies of Italian theatre of the 16th centuries yesterday, and then threw a cook-to-order party for my beloved's birthday. I had pole dancers in the basement, people playing pool, and a bar set up dropping cherry bombs on my girl at the strike of every hour. I wasn't thinking too much of the fact my Paladin needs more thorium to advance as a blacksmith. I log in pretty much every day, fora few minutes. For me, it is a way to keep in tough with my brother. But here are the kind of people I have met on WoW; my guild. We don't have any shut-ins. Hell, I've never met one, actually.

A kind-hearted guild master studying poly sci undergrad in college after a bad accident that left him with a cane before he was 20. He has a hard time keeping work because he can't stand with his cane at work, and refuses to be in a chair. He also has legal pot, and is hilarious. I help him with his research papers while we chat. He was chilling with his bud friday night.

A compassionate psychologiest fighting the system every day, and weekly in court, who keeps at-risk kids at home with their families, and tries to keep the family's ability to handle their reckless kids up-to-date. She was out Friday night, and wants to move home to her parents; 15 minutes from my house. (coincidence?) She is smitten with my brother, and was astonished to learn my house is right next to her parents, where she is planning to move. We went to a diner when she was last in town. She looks like a very attractive share of the qualitites of Cameron Diaz, and Kirsten Dunst. I think both look odd, but she is beautiful.

My brother. Who is crazy about said psychologist, and wants to move in with me. But is having cold feet now she might be living so close. Time to grow up, baby brother. He was playing Call of Duty friday.

2 brothers who live together and are renovating their home. They went out with thier parents friday.

A super-picky health nut hottie girl studying forensic science biology who just broke up with her boy that she was'nt really into. She is looking for a younger me. We trade recipes and I try to get her relax her standards to include guys she actually likes. She was playing racquetball friday night.

I was on Friday, but that was cuase i was bored and my girl had to work late, and so slept early.