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All things Terminator

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:19 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Anyone heard much about this show?!?
while i'm at it, Christian Bale has been cast as the John Connor in the upcoming Terminator 4. only thing that worries me is the director is that pisswad who did the 2 fucked up Charlie's Angels flicks. Jim Cameron having no involment whatsoever.

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:28 pm
I've seen those commercials for that show, but I must admit, my interest hasn't peaked much...

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:02 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
so the tv ads don't make it look good huh? damn. i thought if anybody could pull off the Sarah Connor character it'd be Lena Headey. she tore it up in 300 as the queen. ah well..

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:02 am
by frankenleg
yeah, that show doesn't look like it is gonna be any good, unfortunately. I mean, it's on broadcast tv, so, what can they do w/it?

As far as the 4thmovie???????? Sheeyit!!!! I didn't know there was a fourth one to be made.With c. bale in it, it should be excellent, but that director DEFINITELY needs to get fired, NOW! Charlies Angels 2 was an abortion, no doubt.

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:36 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot

“It’s set after the events of ‘Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,’ where we see the nuclear exchange at the end of the movie, and we show what the world is like after this event, and we show how people try to deal in a post-apocalyptic world,” Middleton said. “And we introduce a new character, who becomes very important to the resistance and to John Connor, a new hero. It’s really about the birth of a new hero.”

He added that John Connor will certainly be a central character in the film as well. “I would look at him as a character that is introduced and that will grow in the second and third movies of the trilogy,” he said about the character, to be played by Christian Bale.

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:25 pm
by Bastilles76
So has anyone been watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? They've aired 3 episodes so far, and I thought the 1st episode was decent, the 2nd one was mediocre, and the 3rd one was pretty good. The biggest weakness of the show is how they wimpified Sarah Connor from the bad-ass she was in T2 to her new version as a caring mom who's more concerned with making sure that her son doesn't screw the female terminator than she is with kicking ass. If nothing else, though, it's a refreshing alternative to all the reality shows they've been airing lately due to the strike.

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:44 pm
Haven't seen an ep. yet, and moreover, haven't head any really good buzz about the show...

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:30 pm
by Bastilles76
In the first 3 episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, I don't remember them ever referring to the bad Terminator by model number or name or anything like that. So I was surprised when in last night's episode they referred to him by name probably 15 times in the first 10 minutes. Surely to say his name so many times it would be something really cool, right? No. His name is Cromartie, apparently a play on words for Chrome Artie. The story for the episode, that a different terminator is assembling materials in a bunker where future Terminators will be made, had some interesting ideas, but there were some really dumb plot holes that pretty much ruined it. I keep watching this show because despite its stumbles, I think it has a lot of potential. Next week's episode, from the preview after the episode, looks like it will have lots of action. I hope it's an improvement over this week's episode because if they don't get their act together soon I'm going to give up on this show.

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:54 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Josh Brolin as the new Terminator?
Director McG had a very extensive interview with recently. He talked about the film, and hinted that one of Hollywood’s most sought out actors; Josh Brolin might be the new terminator in his upcoming film, The Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. gives us this excerpt from the interview via

Asked who his “dream Terminator” would be? McG revealed, “…And there’s guys out there like Russell Crowe and Eric Bana, bring a good physicality, they do what they do, but I don’t know if they’re exactly right at the end of the day. (Smiles) Josh Brolin is a very exciting actor - we’ll see.”

Re: All things Terminator

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:44 am
by darklighter1
Josh Brolin? A little short for a Terminator isn't he? Boy McG sucks! Just that any serious director would want to be referred to as McG says it all about this clown.

I love the new show. Alot better than T3. Lots o'plot holes but still very cool.