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Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:24 am
by 5829
Oregon woman nine times over state blood alcohol content limit

JANUARY 10--In what may be the most extreme drunk driving case ever, an Oregon woman was arrested last month with a .72 blood alcohol level--nine times the state's legal limit. Terri Comer, 42, was arrested after she was discovered unconscious in her car, which sheriff's deputies found running and in a snow bank on a highway in Klamath County at 11:30 AM on December 28. After breaking a car window, rescuers removed the comatose Comer from her Toyota and transported her to a local hospital, where a blood draw revealed the .72 BAC. She was reportedly hospitalized for a day before being released. As seen in a police photo, Comer's vehicle came to a stop about 50 feet in front of one of those portable traffic signs reminding motorists not to drink and drive (a close-up of the sign can be seen here). Comer is pictured below in a 2006 mug shot snapped after a prior drunk driving arrest. In that case, her BAC was recorded in the relatively minor .3 range. ... 4dui1.html

Re: Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:58 am
Does anyone know by theory or experience what we're talking about here..? Obviously the bitch was smashed out of her mind to be in an alcohol induced coma, but...For a person my size (6'2", 230 lbs) how much would I have to drink to get a DUI roughly..? A six pack..? A fifth..? I know people that are fairly sober, able to drive, but had we gotten pulled over I know they wouldn't have gotten away w/o a DUI...But since I was busy drinking and not counting their beers, I don't know...I've drunk plenty, been far from smashed, but probably would have been deemed to be driving drunk...Usually when I'm drinking I just stay home, but on a couple of occasions (New Orleans, anyone?) I definitely had my fill...

Re: Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:06 am
by 5829
As a quick general gauge 1 drink = .02 and it takes 1 hour for one drink to get out of your system. So that would mean the equivalent of 36 drinks in her system.
4 drinks in a hour (1 every 15 minutes) will give you a BAC of .08 which is DWI.

To reach a .08 BAC level, a 170-pound man would have to drink approximately four drinks in one hour on an empty stomach or a 137-pound woman would have to drink approximately three drinks in one hour on an empty stomach. ... ulator.htm
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Blood/Breath Alcohol Concentration (BAC) calculator

Weight: 230 (pounds)
Drinks consumed: 10 (12 oz. beer or equivalent)
Over time period: 1 (hours)
Gender: Male
Your BAC will be: 0.156
(The table did not format right)

Progressive Effects of Alcohol

BAC (%)

* Relaxation
* Sense of Well-being
* Loss of Inhibition
* Lowered Alertness
* Joyous

* Thought
* Judgment
* Coordination
* Concentration

* Blunted Feelings
* Disinhibition
* Extroversion
* Impaired Sexual Pleasure

* Reflexes Impaired
* Reasoning
* Depth Perception
* Distance Acuity
* Peripheral Vision
* Glare Recovery

* Over-Expression
* Emotional Swings
* Angry or Sad
* Boisterous

* Reaction Time
* Gross Motor Control
* Staggering
* Slurred Speech

* Stupor
* Lose Understanding
* Impaired Sensations

* Severe Motor Impairment
* Loss of Consciousness
* Memory Blackout

* Severe Depression
* Unconsciousness
* Death Possible

* Bladder Function
* Breathing
* Heart Rate

* Unconsciousness
* Death

* Breathing
* Heart Rate

Re: Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:11 am
Mad props to the person than can tell us how many drinks this bitch had to pull a .72...Jesus..!

Re: Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:08 am
by deepsepia
Übermensch wrote:Mad props to the person than can tell us how many drinks this bitch had to pull a .72...Jesus..!
hard to know. There's not much experience with those levels of intoxication -- cuz people usually die before they get there. To get to that level, something must be "off" with her. . . would depend a lot on her kidney and liver function, her hydration, when and what she'd last eaten

Re: Drunkest Driver Ever?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:28 pm
Bitch must have ate a loaf of bread man, that's about the only thing I could think of...