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5Gbps wireless breakthrough

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:35 pm
Aussie team claims 5Gbps wireless breakthrough

February 22, 2008 - 02:32PM CT

Joel Hruska ( -- Faster transmission speeds, low power usage, and significant range are the trifecta of results that all wireless standard companies are chasing with a vengeance.

The new WirelessHD specification defines a device that operates in the 60GHz spectrum and is capable of transferring up to 4Gbps over 10 meters, while Pulse~LINK claims its new chipset its chipset can deliver up to 890Mbps at close range (8 feet/2.4M) and 120Mbps at 40 feet/12M). If a team from Australia's NICTA (National ICT Australia) is accurately representing their own advancements, however, both these standards are about to be exceeded. The group from NICTA, lead by Gigabit Wireless Project team leader Prof. Stan Skafidas, is claiming to have developed a CMOS-based chip capable of transferring up to 5Gbps at up to 10M—a 25 percent improvement over the WirelessHD specification.


Re: 5Gbps wireless breakthrough

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:09 pm
by raum
it'll never see the light of day, because of the regulation of the market demands lower level technology be employed to justify your astronomical bill. Phone and internet companies are fighting to go to a billing by use, or alloted minutes packages methodology like the cell companies use. Making cheap and affordable internet services would devalue their current assets. They can't simply go under because better technology exists.