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Blort blort nyuk dubya...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:04 pm
by ootpoot
I am here to look around and see if there is anything interesting, and provide lively open-minded commentary.

1. In the Site Help section guide, there is a reference to an arbirtary classification of people as "Fucking Closet Faggots".
I do not understand what this means.
Is this some secret codewords for persons that have a homosexual lifestyle orientaton?

The usual definition of a "Closet Faggot" is someone who is trying to HIDE the fact that they are homosexual -- they are "in the closet".
So, are you saying that mid-west Republican politicians and evangelical southern preachers are the "lowest of the low", "scum of the fucking earth", and "fucked here for life" ?

2. Is this forum hosted in a country with "Hate Speech" laws?
Just asking... :cross:

3. The many designations of membership status sound like Brazilian names, except for the number inversion of "LEET" (obviously done for nostalgic comic effect -- even pimple-faced geeks haven't used "1337" for half a decade), and "Exercito de Deus" (the ever popular Portugese festival of drunken dancing and macho mano-a-mano anal rape).
Is it a tribute to Brazil, or just an attempt to impress fantasy dice game players and coerce them into sending in their weekly allowance by Paypal?

3. Do you have a section for incisive political commentary?
(Many other forum sites seem to be run by 13-year-old fascists-in-training who immediately ban anyone with differing political opinions).

Hopefully this forum is run by adults...



Re: Blort blort nyuk dubya...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:34 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
best way to get access is to start posting in places you do have access to right now..then you'll find the other doors here opening for you. including ebooks. in the meantime, why don't you try AF Worldwide for politics-related stuff. nope,this joint ain't the type of place frequented by folks with the 13 yr-old mentality. btw,Welcome.

Re: Blort blort nyuk dubya...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:04 pm
by ne0knight
Great first post, ootpoot. :) Your political commentary is most welcome. The Cheney made me LOL.

Re: Blort blort nyuk dubya...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:43 pm
If you decide to come back, you'll fit right in here....Cause I was just thinking to myself as soon as I woke up this morning....

.....You know, we sure could use another smart ass around the site....

And what do I see here..? Your post...Man, God is good..! :dance:

Ya gotta look closely, sorta like a "Where's Waldo" puzzle..

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:52 pm
by ootpoot
Just an update on my short time at this forum.

Recalling a phrase used by Cartman from 'South Park',
I would have to describe my time here as "SWEET!".....



Re: Blort blort nyuk dubya...

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:45 pm
Well I'm glad that you're enjoying the site oot, I am personally glad that you've been here to to add another level to the site...As a result, you've gotten a new bump in status...It may not be much, but its one of the biggest pats on the back you can get from us...


{ Insert witty, sort of BS cartoon here } :laff: