Shit, I dont' have a reason to lie...I wish I HAD wrote a few of those bad loans; I probably wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now...The people writing and doing all these bad loans KNEW they were bad loans, and put food away for the winter...Trust me, this fallout has been kept very quietly up until now...
None of the banks we work with has been associated w/writing these bad loans...
And when I say bad loans, I'm saying...Bad as in, not showing proof of income, bad...We're talking bad, like, show us a Driver's License and a phone bill with your name on it, Bad...Fannie and Freddy execs were cautious of this, as your article points out...Yet, it continued...
John McCain spoke out about mismanagement and a need for regulation of Fannie and Freddy execs, again, it had absolutely nothing to do with the lending crisis, those are two separate things...He was looking at something entirely different...
Your Article Source wrote:Thus, in a 2004 address to home builders, Bush called for the Federal Housing Administration to issue zero down payment mortgages in order to aid 150,000 first-time buyers per year, saying, ... 809-9.html
That right there, is what he should have spoken out on, if not the similar stances of the administrations prior to...Again, the man has been in Washington for forever...That article you sourced gives a side of it, McCain hasn't sponsored true regulation or reform of the markets, that's why the campaign isn't trying to harp on this...Digging for information will hurt them...