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Right America Feeling Wronged- HBO Doc.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:24 am
by x3n
From: ... index.html

Right America: Feeling Wronged - Some Voices from the Campaign Trail

On the day Barack Obama was elected the 44th President, more than 58 million voters cast their ballots for John McCain. In the months leading up to this historic election, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi (HBO's Emmy®-winning "Journeys with George") took a road trip to meet some of the conservative Americans who waited in line for hours to support the GOP ticket, and saw their hopes and dreams evaporate in the wake of that Democratic victory. These voters share their feelings about the changing America in which they live.
Recommended. Not sure how objective the young one is being- I suspect not much, but I could very well be wrong- it is nevertheless an eye opener. Her point is clearly stated in several short, and and not very informative "interviews" she's given. She mentions how most people are unaware (by choice or circumstance) of how passionately angry and frustrated a CONSIDERABLE size of the US is right now, with Obama being POUS. It's not just political, kids.

Re: Right America Feeling Wronged- HBO Doc.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:03 am

I saw this shit on TV the other day...It was priceless...I need to see if I can find it and put it on the server, cause this is something we all can watch and talk about, regardless of the country in which you live...Glad you brought this up...

Re: Right America Feeling Wronged- HBO Doc.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:19 am
by x3n
I agree. I think it's worth braking down and discussing in this group. We all benefit once we understand how the other side sees things.
Some people saw Bush as Hitler, others as a tool of god. Some people see Obama as a saviour, and other see him as the Antichrist. It warrants even further discussion once we go past politics and we start to really get a glimpse of North Americans at the threshold of what they perceived their country to be vs what they see now. And how this is interpreted.

Re: Right America Feeling Wronged- HBO Doc.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:34 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
x3n wrote: Some people saw Bush as Hitler, others as a tool of god.
How about just a Tool? :laff:
Some people see Obama as a saviour
Wrongness. He's just a man. Dare I say a different kind of man to those who held office before him. Nothing more Nothing less.