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Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:51 am
by jdog

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:53 am
by jdog
Here's an IGN preview:
Eden's first Test Drive Unlimited was a strange beast, a game that was as ahead of the times as it was behind them. Its seamless genre blend, multiplayer options and vast open world were a glimpse into one possible future for the racing genre, yet its arcane structure and joyless driving harked back to a less thrilling time.

The Ibiza sun of the sequel promises to burn away Test Drive Unlimited 2's many problems, and an extended play reveals a game that's just as ambitious as its predecessor, while also showing that Eden has been busy with the turtle wax. It's smarter, tidier and prettier but what's surprising is the influence its new setting has had.

Ibiza's presence in Test Drive Unlimited 2 offers more than a new skin and a new island idyll to cruise around; it also brings with it some additions which are apparent from the off. There's a clearly defined narrative that helps guide the player through the island's near-infinite delights, and it starts in the midst of a crowded rooftop party, the player free to pick the base of their avatar from the revellers that rigidly bop around the pool.
The first game was a blast, although not very realistic and had it's share of bugs. I did like the concept and just being able to drive around an entire island was amazing. Here's hoping the sequel kicks ass!

Re: Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Game)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:55 am
by jdog
Here's a trailer showing some of the environmental effects. ... ts-trailer