Source: iFanboy
[center]Michael Fassbender Gets his Magneto from the Comics
Irish actor Michael Fassbender is playing the mutant master of magnetism Magneto. But he won't be basing his performance on Ian McKellen's earlier film version, rather he dove into the vast reserve of research in the page of the comic book source material. He explained to
"I just tried to steep myself in the source material, the comic books, and there's so much. He's such a fascinating guy, and how he becomes Magneto is a really interesting journey. The fact that he has been let down so many times by human beings and this distrust that he has. You can see where it's coming from. Obviously, what was happening in the concentration camps and then he escaped from there with Magda, fell in love with her, then their child got burned and he ended up killing the whole town and she's like 'Whoa, this is too heavy for me, I gotta leave.' So the love of his life left him... We see the stuff that's happening in the concentration camp, you see that, but you don't see that relationship (with Magda). I've just held that for my own personal use (in developing) the character, so when we meet him at the beginning of this film, he's definitely a lone wolf. He's on a mission and he's uncompromising and then he bumps into Charles, literally collides into him, and then it's the development of their relationship and really exploring that during the '60s and the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King an Malcolm X."
He didn't mention how far he got, but film fans better hope he didn't go so far as to be holding Xorn in his backpocket. The movie could take a real left turn in that case.
Yeah that looks intense, if they get Mags right then I will enjoy and that guy looks like how Magneto should act and look outside of the white hair. I never could take Magneto as the old feminant fop he was in the first three movies. That helmet is bad ass too.
The Banshee shit looks great too! At this point, My $ are on this to quietly be the best one of all 4 comic films coming out this season. If Fox left director Matthew Vaughan alone to do his magic (& I'd say they did as X1 & X2's director Bryan Singer was onboard as producer to watch his back) , I'd say this is a winner.
Yeah, after seeing the trailer again, this is definitely a must see day one drop...Even wifey was ready to see it, which means it def. will get viewed...This is a great sleeper summer for movies, I think I'm spending all my free time in this section...