[Tutorial] How to Make a RAR archive

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[Tutorial] How to Make a RAR archive


Post by AYHJA »

We have some members that are new to the site, and subsequently not used to using archiving programs...So, I thought I would whip up a quick pic-torial to help them along...

First things first, download and install a copy of WinRAR, http://www.rarlab.com

Once you have the program installed, open it, and go to Options ‚» Settings , and fill in your tabs like I have mine...If you need a more in depth explanation of what the terms mean, just ask..!

General Tab:

Compression Tab:

Click on "Create Default" and set whichever options are available to you as close to this as possible...I have a registered version of the program, so some things might not register on your version...Once you are done, click OK, and you should be back out to the main options tabs...

Now the other tabs, you can configure, but they don't deal with what we're doing...The last tab, which says integration, is what we are going to deal with, so go to it, and set it like so:

After you've done that, click on "Context Menu Items" and set it up like this:

Now, you're ready to RAR your files...Go to the folder where your files are stored, and select/multi select the ones that you want to add to your archive...Right click, and go to a menu option similar to this:

After you click one of the options, you will either be taken to a screen where you can fine tailor your archive, or simply create one with the default name, which you can rename later...Those are the basics of creating a beloved RAR, so happy archiving..!

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Post by duffy »

I 'm looking for the same program but for mac users. I have a lot of pics and sets and i would like to offer for the members of the forum. Someone got an idea?

I can make file with ".zip" but for the upload with "http://storeandserve.com/", it take a so ong time that's horrible and decourageant .
I need your help. :wink:

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Post by AYHJA »

Check out the help thread M8, has a bunch of hosts:
http://www.www.ayhja.com/af/viewtopic.p ... 630#101630

I'm using TheUpload.com right now, its pretty good..! But it doesn't matter if you use ZIP or RAR, RAR is just my preference...If you need any more help, let me know..! We look forward to your contributions... /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />

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Post by WAY »

God A, you've had that damn theme for what, a year and a half now..?
We want something fresh..! /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

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