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Sympathy for the Devil

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:20 pm
by raum
The civility in VU is informal. LG is welcome to say what he likes, as are you all, and honesty is always welcome in my forum. "If you disagree; disagree strongly!" If I want, I can edit your comments (I will edit VERY rude or explicit ones into expandable boxes, though) I have rules regarding visual content, not written content, and I have never felt that LG is expressing anything that violates the essential tenets of this forum. I am capable of looking back to when I was much more like his than it seems. I just have more than a decade on him in doing it. For the record, this is what I think LG is saying:

"If you do not contribute to my singular point for existing, don't try and distract me from it. "

Unfortunately, he is still trying to make that "singular point of existing" fit in the mold that defines at least a moderately successful livelyhood. Iot's not always easy, when you have to concentrate really hard just to care about this world. Sometimes, his comments are taken with authority far more powerful than his own opinion.

This whole site, and indeed many elements of LG's life are like Lead constantly being boiled and smelted by a mixture of hunger and anger to reveal the Gold that is at the core of his existence. His arrogance is something I know well. It is often the trait of a ego strong enough to one day destroy itself, and reveal a soul of pure beauty.

An Initiate of the past Victorian Age, W.B. Yeats, postulated that before Adepthood, the nature of the Daimon (that is the spirit) is opposite of the temper of the Man (that is the ego) it inhabits. Thus a man who were irrationally or undeservingly kind as it were, is in fact secretly malicious or cruel. This conflict would distract him from his one-pointedness, and lead to his confusion about the purpose of his own being. Likewise, a man unflinchingly demanding people earn his respect and unwilling to offer praise, was in fact secretly aware and intimately connected to the true value of human life itself - A drunkard was desperately trying to achieve the same blindness of bliss that those with a Spirit less sober could find some creature comfort in, as the ways of the mysteries were open to him, bt he had not yet learned to traverse them.

To the Adept, this Man is understood to be but a Mask he wears to carry out his will among the world of the Living; a Mask he can shed in certain circumstances. The Adept, with full knowledge of the Agathodaimon (Holy Spirit), can now control all eudaimon(Good Angels), and cast away and banish the Cacodaimon ("Shit Spirits", or demons, in the negative sense.)

Only He who can do this is as of God, per the Law of the Doctrine of the Faith.

It is for this reason, that among his brethren, William Butler Yeats was known by the creed.

Demon est Deus Inversus. (The Daimon is the God inverted.)

So, make of the Lost God a Devil, if you will... It will help him find his way through the darkness of his own shadow, if he weathers himself to the task.

You all do him a great service, really. Just as he provokes your convictions. LG is not the only one I see these things in, and I am sure many of you can identify with some of the things said herein,.. and that is ok. Because it is a genuine part of the human experience to establish an advesary, or Shaitain.

As the words attributed to Solomon, King of Kings, let us declare our friendships and Brotherhood:

"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17)

Love your advesary, for he is you.


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:10 pm
I will forever love the way you sum up your writings in a single sentece at the end...I MUST learn that someday... /:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" /> This is something that I learned about LG through a bit of flammage, hard knocks, and common sense...He and I have lodged more heated debates (and I say heated meaning only they were drawn out till they couldn't be drawn out no more) than anyone else in this entire site...Thanks to raum and some helpful meditation, I was able to see a whole new perspective of his psyche that I was very oblivious to before...

A very handly little profile, I wonder what he thinks... /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:59 pm
by raum
To me, he basically gives ya four options:

1. lead.
2. keep up the pace.
3. follow.
4. get out of the way.

You gotta earn # 1, and it don't come lightly,.. and he'd just assume if you can't take that #1 spot, you skip right to number 4, in most cases, unless its a team sport.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:38 pm
by Lost Ghost
^ in simplified terms....for all the members who come here and dont understand wha the first whole post was about......thats basically it...

I'm honored to have a topic about me...written from the VU.

Unforuately.....the members who really need to read this....never will see it, and if they do....won't come away with anything...

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:01 am
by Aemeth
Actually it's more like 2 options:

1) Jump on his dick and agree
2) Disagree and get criticized to death no matter how valid your points are

/:D" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt=":D" />:D:D

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:49 am
by Lost Ghost
I dont look for people to just understand my point of view.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:36 pm
by raum
yo Aemeth,

Do you feel those are the only options he gives you?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:07 am
by Pete
I can understand other people's point of view, even when it differs from mine.

But that is pretty hard to appreciate when you are thought of as NOTHING.......

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:49 pm
by Lost Ghost
not nothing.....just nothing special....harsh as it is...I'm all about dynamic I've posted about.....

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:38 pm
by x3n
No offense but I still don't see how or WHY everyone must agree and group-hug in a public forum where frank discussions are encouraged. This forum regularly touches themes in religion, spirituality and politics...not the shit you bring up in family dinners, unless you plan on skipping dessert. If you think you have somethnig to say, say it, and defend it, if you truly feel it's necessary and valid.
These baby pouts over LG not blowing kisses to every member here is, let me say "silly", lest I provoke thine wrath, growling masses. "Yup"and "^agreed^" do nothing, add nothing any discussion. I'm just saying...please don't hate me, I couldn't stand not being liked.