shining2001uk wrote:Stacy dash, awesome chick, first saw her in Mo' Money! Didnt realise she took her clothes off at some point!
Well, I saw
Clueless before I saw
Mo' Money, but I thought she was a cutie then, too. It has to have been fifteen years now that I've known about her. I also wasn't keenly aware that she posed nude either (though I'm guessing Playboy enticed her).
This was an awesome matchup. other than Elle Navarro (whom I know nothing about), I would have voted for any of the other 5 girls as winners if they had gone up against another team. I googled Jamie Koeppe to find out more, and I'm glad I did. She got my vote.
Also, I didn't know who Valerie was either, but I let her and Di Pietro share a vote. Sasha was the outcast.
2-1 for The Replacements.