Opera is now FREE

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Post by raum »

ok, here's the deal...

Opera was the bomb,.. but no one knew about it.

Netscape was the suck, and everyone used it, because it wasn't windoze.

There was something called Mozilla that is pointless to even try.

Most people really knows why they don't use windoze, but it's not cool to do so.

But that was because they had never heard of Opera, or didn't want to pay.

Thing was, Opera required you to give money for what is and was the fastet, most reliable and feature rich internet browser in the world. Most of the crappy unstable extensions in firefox that crap out the minute you "update" are based on stable standard features in Opera, the first browser to have inherit tabbed browsing. In fact, an awesome and stable plugin for Internet explorer has existed since at least 2002. But again, no one used it.,.. So when the buggy tabbed browsing features and media blocks knocked off from Opera appeared in the anonymous developed extensions for firefox, people were seeing the *elite* stuff for the first time, and firefox gets credit,.. even though one of the developers of firefox was a developer for oracle, people hang on to the fact it was made by a kid, and so Firefox appeals to the "Doogie Browser" crowd mentality..

The built-in IRC platform in Opera is better than most stand along programs.

Opera is upscalable and customizable in ways that no other browser is but it requires "a brain" you can not just copy paste extension script coding.

I personally use IE, because I don't go running through the net much, I read a few sites and have a few forums I read, and check my email. besides, its not like I can get it out of my computer...

hope that clarifies,..

Microsoft is teh suck.
Firefox is teh blow.

Would you rather get sucked or blown?

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Post by AYHJA »

I tried Opera years before I even heard about Firefox...I have only been using Firefox for a year...And I think I'm pretty crafty w/software, and definitely know whut it dew...

That said, I tried Opera, didn't like it, worshipped IE (enough to actually buy tweaks for it) until that fateful day in September 2004 when I caught wind of Firefox...

Haven't put it down since, so they must be doing something right, it would take more than tabbed browsing to keep me happy, I am on the internet probably 10 hours more than anyone here...

That said..? I'm getting blown..!

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Post by raum »


I guarantee you most of the people in the world would still use IE wihtout incident if this were standard to IE.

It's a browser, that uses the existing IE as the spine of its own powerful functionality including user developed plugins and extensions, awesome skins, and reliable features upscalable including superior media capture.

I just dump this to IE, and I am fine, and using a piece of software ALREADY on my box.

Not even Firefox can boast this, and all of you know it:

Compatibility & Low on Resources
Maxthon has full IE compatibility which means you will still have all you have in IE. Maxthon uses very few resources, resulting in an average of 65% less RAM usage compares to IE when having the same large number of pages open.

that's my choice... and it has a far more intelligent developer community, in my humble opinion.

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Post by AYHJA »

I have been using Maxthon for a long time as well, it is an awesome IE substitue, and I currently use it in the place of IE...But it still does many of the same ignorant things like IE does, like not correctly interpret .png images...

But you are right, it is resource low, and since it is IE based, it is compatible...

I think Maxthon is what MS is trying to do with IE7, but we'll see...

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Post by raum »

yah, i csan see how you pic hungry freaks need a pic hungry solution...

but me, all i need is a text based browser, with a draw capacity akin to MSWord.

I would LOVE if you could get a "draw function" for the guts of this forum, btw.

i think i need to be able to make diagrams for half the stuff i try to talk about.


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Post by AYHJA »

That's a pretty good suggestion...

I'll see about getting something similar to that here, if you could go further into depth about what you mean...

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Post by raum »

ok, open microsoft word,.. select view toolbars, drawing... it will be under the page, close to the task bar at the bottom.

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Post by AYHJA »

No, I mean why it would be more advantageous than maybe doing it in word, and then porting it here...For such a thing to run on the forum would require some active scrpting and or a java module I reckon, which slips right into that thin air territory...But I will look for a hack, perhaps it has been done already...

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