Does Lord God have a plan for us..?

A school of music that studies the rhythm of nature, a school of fashion that studies the elegance of the Universe, a school of design that studies the architecture of the ancients, a school of philosophy that studies the time-tested Truth.

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Post by trashtalkr »

What I strive for is to be the best man I can be, and realize that I am I am and cannot be a god. I can see the question now: Doesn't that hold you back? No, it doesn't becuase that is what I was made for.

You don't have to be a god to become one with the Lord. That happens when you die and your soul/spirit goes into Heaven. Our bodies cannot take being in the Lord's presence because of our sin and human nature. It's our spirit that comprehends the presence of God.
"If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a wild ferment, a power that twisting in dark passions produced everything great or inconsequential; if an unfathomable insatiable emptiness lay hid beneath everything, what would life be but despair?"

Soren Kierkegaard

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::clearing my throat::


Post by raum »

apparently, I was misunderstood.

I apologize for gettin on here and trying to write with some Ny-Quil in my systyem, but I see at least Ayhja came forward to make the distiction.

The word God is powerless, in of itself. capital or lowert case. it isn't even a word in a language that has a personal revelation. I do not use it with reverence, and find it to have none. Lord is better, but then you should just use Adonai, for it is actually in a scripture.

So, use whatever words you want. God doesn't have a plan for us. It is against the nature of an unconditional loving being to make conditions. If you must know, if you fall so low as to completely lose a way to any kind of divine providence, you still have a part in the overall scenario that god presented to Man. Without the will to submit to service, you will never demonstrate the responsibility to wield such powers as miracles and wonders are born of.

I guarantee you, if you liked what Ayhja said, and disagreed with me, you did not understand me (but he still got a few things to see).

Adonai Ha-Olam (Lord of the Universe), who has many names but is YHVH, is but one God. There are many, and all humans exposed directly to him become as such. All gods experience Achad, a quality of Unity that makes them inseperable. Shaddai El Chai, Adonai, Elohim, Eleheinu, Shekinah, Pachad Yissaq, El, Elu, Elohi Tzaboath, Ahih, all these are different GODS held together in Achad THROUGH Lb (unity through love). This is from an act of Ratzon, or will. The ultimate reality, or sum total of the emanations of Ain Soph Aur (The Limitless Light), is Adonai Ha-Olam, in the name YHVH.

Jacob became a God, Enoch became a God, Abraham became a God, and sarah became a Goddess. It so happens that the the Disciples became Gods. "Fishers of Men" is a class of arch-Malik (Arch-Angels) with the power to indwell in men.

I acknowledge the God in myself, and you.
even if you don't.


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