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Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:40 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Now past the halfway point & so far I've got:

Iron Man 2
Batman: Under The Red Hood
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

I fully expect Machete to join that list going off that red band trailer..

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:19 am
by darklighter1
Yeah that's a good list except for me the Sott Pilgram movie. Don't think I'll be catching that one. The other movies were all cool though. Just caught that Daybreakers movie about two days ago and was pleasantly surprised along with Inglorious. Wasn't expecting much from either.

Speaking of movies though I did unfortunately watch about 5 minutes of Daredevil again yesterday while channel surfing. Haven't watched the entire thing since it came out but it still makes me cry even in small doses. :(

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:05 am
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
I thought Scott Pilgrim was better than the graphic novels it came from. At least give it a shot on dvd bro. I think you'lll be pleasantly suprised on that one too. I went in with zero expectations & had a blast.

I think the only 10 minutes of Daredevil worth watching are the origin when Matt was a kid & developing his abilities.

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:59 am
by Drew

Daybreakers was easily the worst movie I have seen in years....Please say you're including that in the worst category? What about it was even remotely good?

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:39 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Sounds like you went into Daybreakers expecting a lot,Drew. I'd take Daybreakers (& any of the movies listed above) over the pretentiousness that was Inception. Please note I have not added it to my year's best. Not saying it was wack. Far from it. Neither is it something I'd watch more than twice. Nolan is just not the genius the media have painted him as. Genius filmakers don't have glaring plotholes (The Dark Knight), movies that plod along & put you to sleep (the ironically titled Insomnia) or movies where the crucial fight scenes involve shaky cam to fake intensity (Batman Begins). I respect the fact that he wants to tell stories with weighty themes... just not at the expense of leaving those of us with more than half a brain shaking our heads in incredulity.

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:49 am
by Drew
I was really excited about it from a trailor I had seen a while before I saw the actual movie...then I saw it...and was severely disappointed.

You're clearly entitled to your opinion on movies...and I'm not sitting here trying to compare directorial styles and all this and that.....I'm genuinely interested in what you found even remotely compelling in that movie to mention it as even good, let alone among the best?

To each his own I guess....but I mean...I seriously struggled getting through that movie, everything sucked about it from my perspective. It seems common in here that we discuss movies that some think are good, but others would rate as far better than that...but at least we seem to be able to come to a semblance of a consensus. But with Daybreakers, easily one of the ten worst movies I have ever seen in my life time, I was sorta shocked to see it up there...and then if I missed not only the entire point of the movie, but the plot, the interesting characters, an ending that made sense, or any part of the movie that made me care about anything that was going on. We have to be talking about different movies, right?

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:37 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Drew wrote:To each his own I guess....
That pretty much sums it up ultimately. Viva la difference.

I only saw the very first trailer for Daybreakers & left it at that. I had zero expectations on what the movie would actually be. I was just an admirer of the directors'previous work,Undead. So I waltzed into it with an open mind. I mean you have to do that really when they give you the inane concept of zombie fish..You can either roll your eyes at that or have fun with it.

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:01 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
2010 was a pretty shit year for movies.

Had to actually struggle to get a Top 10.

Here are mine. In no particular order:

* Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
* Micmacs à tire-larigot
* Machete
* How Tto Train Your Dragon
* Exit Through the Gift Shop
* Four Lions
* Daybreakers
* Iron Man 2
* Flipped
* The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Honorable mentions:

* R.E.D.
* Kick Ass
* Hot Tub Time Machine
* Let Me In
* Salt
* The Social Network
* (Walking Dead plays like one awesome movie when you watch all 6 eps back2back)

Now give me Yours. I might have missed something that flew under my radar..
Let's hope 2011 is a better year for film than the last.

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:45 pm
by shining2001uk
Agree it was substandard year. Here is my top 10:

1. Shutter Island
2. The Karate Kid
3. Despicable Me
4. Africa United
5. Get Him to the Greek
6. Inception
7. Iron Man 2
8. Hot Tub Time Machine
9. Clash of the Titans
10. Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief

havent seen Kick Ass & 4 Lions but expect them to be good!

Re: What Are Your Top/Worst Films Of The Last Year (now 201

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:21 pm
by Sir Jig-A-Lot
Kick Ass was cool! Four Lions was hilarious if you've got a dark sense of humour. ;)