Re: There is no God!
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:26 am
deep, you failed to define that statement, and furthermore, "We do not know there is no God" seems to contradict that...If I were to tell you my heartbeat is evidence of a God, you could not say with reason that I was wrong, case and point, you don't know why my heart is beating...Shit, you don't know why your heart beats...What of God feels it needs to be evidenced..? Your issue is with what you think God is, and to that I say, your connection to this conversation is a loose one...deepsepia wrote:We merely know that there is no evidence of God
If I walk into a simple, plain white room and say, "There is no evidence of a crime here," does that mean just that, or does that mean I already have a preset definition in my own mind of what that crime is..? What if things that are beyond the scope of your human senses reveal the DNA of a murder that had taken place..? If you've walked into the room and said there is no crime, then you have walked into the room looking for something you feel is appropriate to a crime...Doesn't mean its not there, just that you can't sense it...
So again, the evidence of God could be all around you, or in the filling spaces of the period behind the sentences I type...
Do bees actually 'Make' honey, or do they possess the tools to bring it forth..?deepsepia wrote:The statement "bees make honey" is a factual statement, based on repeatable real world observations.