Huh..? They said there was 23K people...Lied about the source of the information...And a guy that was there said that it was more like 8K...Did...Did I miss something..?
Another event...A guy got on stage and asked, "Is this what 10,000 people looks like..?" Only thing was that the venue only held about a 1/3 of that...This stuff is just too good to make up..!
Just this morning, John McCain jumped on TV and said the same lie about Obama raising taxes...When the newscaster asked him, 'But independent analysts say that Barak's tax plan will cut taxes for at least 90% of Americans, Do you agree with that..? Nope...He went right into his rehearsed almost mechanical spill which basically said, 'That's my story, and I'm sticking to it..' I don't get it...And then, it gets better....
Too good to make up...Here's the vid:
Whoever is coaching the Repubs on how to spin should get a gold medal...They obviously have a great many people confused about them...
Later in that interview, McCain went into his spill about the exaggerated number of earmarks Obama requested, he didn't mention that his running mate requests and gets more earmarks than every other state...Can't say that I blame him for that though, but when the reporter asked him about Palin and quoted the figures, he said the lie about the Bridge to nowhere AGAIN, and how she cut pork barrel spending...So basically, they slam Barak for doing what his own running mate ($25 million for Coastal Salmon Recovery????) has down to a science..? They lie about things they don't even have to lie about, that don't make no sense...
I wonder if you have to have a special wall socket in your crib to plug up a tanning bed..? Probably got one of those plugs like they have in the utility closet for the dryer...
They had that little incident a few days ago when they were demanding an apology from Barak for calling on insinuating that he was calling the good Governor a pig...Not mentioned that their own candidate had EVER used the term himself...Made up all this hoopla and then, here recently, they asked McCain if that's what he thought, and he said, 'No...' :hypno:
It's easy to point out the dirt in somebody's yard if they're out there yelling, kicking, rolling around, and screaming in it...
CBS News Forces YouTube to Pull McCain ‘Lipstick’ Ad
Rove: McCain went 'too far' in ads
Who, in the history of elections, has had to do that..? Name one candidate...Unprecedented...Pull an ad because it was too dishonest..? Even Carl Rove said, "Damn!!" LoL...
I mean, honestly man...That's
OBVIOUSLY a campaign problem when you have to do things like that...
raum wrote:but you people only point out the dirt in one person's yard, and that ain't right.
I don't know what you mean...I'm pretty capable of being fair...I thought I made it clear that I'm not a fanboy...