Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics

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Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics


Post by x3n »

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/26/opini ... itics.html

From the article:
"The left is in disarray while libertarianism is on the ascent. A new generation of evangelicals — well-versed in organizing but lacking moderating influences — is lining up behind hard-right anti-statists. While few of the faithful truly think that the president is the Antichrist, millions of voters, like their Depression-era predecessors, fear that the time is short. The sentiment that Mr. Obama is preparing the United States, as Roosevelt did, for the Antichrist’s global coalition is likely to grow.

Barring the rapture, Mrs. Bachmann or Mr. Perry could well ride the apocalyptic anti-statism of conservative Christians into the Oval Office. Indeed, the tribulation may be upon us."
...Anti-government for all the wrong reasons.
Dude, of course she's gonna dig it...your mom loves the cock

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Re: Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics


Post by darklighter1 »

Ridiculous leftist rhetoric to scare the uninformed. Same thing Palin was always getting pinned with. As if being a religious Christian these people are foaming at the mouth to get their hands on the nuclear codes to blow up the Earth.

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Re: Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics


Post by AYHJA »

Yeah, its been a while, but I'm pretty sure the AC is supposed to come from Europe anyway... :D

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