Aemeth wrote:The theist does not claim to understand the nature of the supernatural...if he did, it would be considered the natural...
I have not moved the problem. I say that it is not necessary/impossible to "know" where "God" came from. It is a supernatural issue. However, w/o supernatural, it is just a natural issue--and not being able to explain it or even understand it is a problem.
There are many things that are not particularly easy to understand, either because they are so extraordinarily far from the realm of human experience and intuition, or because we just don't have enough data. As I've noted before, the fact that something is not intuitive or easy to understand doesn't mean much, much less does it imply the supernatural. Einsteinian time dilation is neither easy to understand, nor intuitive-- yet its observed every day, with no spooky magic involved
The nature of the universe combines both issues. However, if you follow modern science, what is striking is that as we accumulate data from the earliest moments of this universe, we find that it conforms to scientific principles. That's a remarkable statement, when you think about it-- we can observe things which happened billions of years ago, and find that the same physics that operates today was operating then
If you'd like to know more about what's known about these issue, I highly recommend Steven Weinberg's "The First Three Minutes". ... 0465024378
"The Universe: no spooky magic required"