Why didn't Jesus write anything? Or did he?

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Re: Why didn't Jesus write anything? Or did he?


Post by raum »

If we are going on serious note, here is why: Christianity is a invention of pagans trying to understand Messianic Judiasm. This might be uncomfortable for the Christian, but it is a strong medicine for you, if also a bad tasting one.

There is no reason to think modern fundamental Christians understand the context by which evyonim (the poor and disenfranchised) began to take part in the Mystery Cult of Jeheshua. The only Gospel of the New Testement employed by the Ebionites is Matthias, or Matthew. All the others are inventions of Paul. ANY Linguist can provide forensic evidence of this. Also, it is Matthias that portrays Jeshua as human, and does not mention a virgin birth, or a bounty of miracles and immortal divine demigod status. They reject those notions which are clearly important for Romans and Pagans to convert, but not Jews. Paul invented other parts of the myth of Christianity to recruit Jews to his developing Christian franshise. You can deny or ignore this or hide from that uncomfortable truth in the security of the religious doctrine of your church elders, but frankly, that is the same kind of attitude most of the advesaries of Jeshua had, and is typical of those stubborn in their own poorly defined religious conviction. Jeshuah would not have advocated ANY possesion of a worldly nature be a necessary connection to divine spiritual truth, especially not a book about himself.

The Ebionites [hebrew: Evyonim], a name that means the "poor", was adopted as the earliest self identity of Jeshua. eir views are slammed by the later "inheritors" of the legacy of "the Christ" who more comfortable with an indulgent form of remore than a true vow of worldy poverty. The Romans denounced them as heretics because they rejected Paul's developing myth of "Jesu" and refused to sway toward Roman Pagan interpretations of the Messiah which were growing and starting to swallow mouthfuls of Gnosticism. Rome's philosophers had a much different and cynical view of poverty than the Hebrew inspired Evyonim. Their Gospel was a Hebrew penned version of the Gospel of Matthias, which was Aramaic. Many cults were familiar and employed both, as most cult leaders, including Jeshuah, revealed and taught the Qabala to many of their followers.

They believe he was not divine, nor is their interpretation of following his liberal and passionate form of living in the world to come after the messiah somethign they try to impress upon Gentiles. They see Christianity as a whole as a perversion of his teachings and for this reason, most Christians would love to discount them. They practice the wisdom of Jeshua as the ethic of the future, and demand a DEEP vow of peverty, as he did of all his followers. The chursh denounced them as heretics and said they were an offshot. The problem is that in the works of the Muslim Abd A- Jabbar, he describes them in the First Century in good detail. This is the first and oldest account of ANY followers. The second oldest are the Coptic Christians, who employ the names of Horus, and integrate a great deal of Egyptian and Gnostic ideas into their form of Christian Sorcery. Thier own particulary form of sorcery, as every religion has one, includes Jeshua as a created being, as all men, and his role as a man and later as an Archangel above all others, raised to the post left vacant by "Satan's" fall. This is why early Chrust father's included their heresies along with the Gnostics; an assertion they themselves rejected.

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